chapter eleven (hospital)

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a/n: i am in no way a medical professional so i tried to leave certain imagery up to the reader. i didn't want to be wrong and confuse people because even after researching things.. i'm still confused on everything haha

also i am not wishing anything onto quackity when i write this.. i am hoping that he is safe and sound as you read this

enjoy <3

There's been an accident.

My mind can't wrap around the idea. Alex can't be hurt. No I was just with him last night. This can't be happening. I need Alex. Please let him be okay.

"Miss?" the person on the phone says, "Is there anyone there with you?"

I mumble something unintelligible before absentmindedly handing the phone to Austin.

My mind focuses on Alex. I remember him on the front porch with his head in his hands. He was perfectly fine. He can't be in the hospital.

Is he alone? What happened? I need to know. I need to go.

I look around the room for my keys. Where are they? I need to go to Alex. Where are my keys?

"Yes," Austin says to the phone, "I can get- y/n, what are you- sorry, ma'am give me a moment." He covers the phone's mouth piece. "What are you looking for?"

"Keys," I say, "I have to go, Austin. We can't- we have to go." I tug my hair, "Where are my damn keys?" My voice is trembling.

Austin picks up my keys from the side table. "You're not driving in your state," he tells me, "come on, let's go."

I blindly follow him in the car. Alex is in the hospital. I have to be there.

Austin continues to talk on the phone with the woman. He gets the address as he starts to drive. They say goodbye and he's quiet for a moment.

"What happened?" I ask, "Where is he? Is he okay?"

Austin sighs. "Alex was in a car accident," he says gently, probably for my sake, "He's going to need surgery."

My mind goes blank.

I forget all about the fighting and the break up. I don't care about the effort I put in to get over him. I don't care that he walked out our apartment door.

All I want is to see him and for him to be okay because, frankly, I still love him.

I love him with all my heart, and no break up was able to take that from me. I knew there was nobody else in the world for me. Nobody could replace him.

We're meant to be in my head, even if that's not how it seemed to play out.

Austin drives faster than the speed limit by a lot. I don't complain, although I usually hate when people drive too fast.

We get to the hospital. The tall gray building. There's a sun on the building next to it. I assume that's for kids, or maybe they're just trying to brighten people's days. It's not working.

My breath starts to hitch. What if something really bad happened? I can't lose Alex. I wouldn't be able to live in a world without him. I'm barely surviving while we're broken up, but if....

No I can't think like that.

Austin has to lead me into the hospital. I probably look like a lost bird or something. I can't focus on anything except Alex's conditions.

Austin talks to the front desk lady. I look around to all the doors surrounding us. Which one leads to Alex?

Maybe I should call his family. Maybe I should call one of our friends. Not that any live close. I mean, Karl is a few hours away. I could call him.

After the Raid War (SEQUEL) / Quackity x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now