chapter thirteen (remember)

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I wake up with my head leaning on the bed, and my hand is still in Alex's. He's gently rubbing his thumb up and down the side of my hand. I smile as I return the gesture.

Alex must've been able to tell that I was awake and fidgeting because he starts to talk. I just sit and listen to all he has to say.

"Do you remember the raid war?" he says quietly, as if this is what he's been thinking about as I slept. "I remember thinking it would be funny to repay the raid, and look at everything that's happened. I mean, you raided me as a joke. Could you imagine if you didn't do that?"

No I truly can't. I wouldn't have met so many amazing people if it wasn't for that. Who knew that one little act could affect so much? I sit up in my chair to look at him as he talks. I notice he's wearing his beanie again.

"Our lives would've been so different," he continues, "There would've been a lot less frustrated confusion and heartbreak, but also a lot less happiness." He sighs as he thinks it through. Which would be a better option?  "I honestly think it's a lose-lose situation But even with all that being said, I think , even with all that happened, it was all worth it. Even though we broke up in the end, it changed me for the better forever."

I give him a sad little half smile, "I agree."

We sit for a moment and think over his words. I consider if I should tell him what I'm feeling. I told him once before, but he was just asleep. Now he's awake, so I have an opportunity.

I'm about to speak when he starts talking again.

"A while ago," he says, keeping his voice low, "you had a tweet."

Oh no. I know exactly what he's talking about.

"It said I love you," he says, "was that for me?"

My eyes focus on our intertwined hands. That tweet was deleted the second I soberly knew of its existence. I was hoping and praying that he didn't see it. I thought I was in the clear, but apparently he was silently hiding that he knew.

"Yes, Alex," I say after a moment, "that was for you." 

"The next day I came to your house. Do you remember that?" he asks, "I knocked on the door, and Nick answered? Then Dream interrogated me?"

I smile and nod, "I remember."

"I came because I thought it was your way of telling me to come back," he sighs, "but then I saw the situation and just said I needed my charger, which I actually did need. But, still, I felt really stupid after that. And narcissistic for thinking it was about me."

"You're not stupid," I shake my head, "Or narcissistic." I take a deep breath, "In truth, I was drunk. I was drunk and left without supervision, and all I wanted was you Alex. I still d- Anyways, I said that when I was drunk."

"Is it true, though?" he asks, "Do you love me?"

My mouth opens to speak before I close it again. This is my chance. My only question is how will he respond to it?

Will he think having feelings for each other is a huge mistake? Or is he thinking the same thing? I wish I just knew what was going on in his mind. I wish I knew if he was for us or against us. I don't know if I could blame him if he never wanted to try again, but also a part of me would be devastated.

His thumb grazes my hand as he waits for an answer. 

"I'm a sick man in a hospital," he laughs, "You basically have to tell me."

I roll my eyes. Of course he played that card.

"It's true," I whisper as I look up from our hands to meet his eyes. If I'm going to tell him, then I have to do so confidently.

He just smiles and stays quiet.

I wish he could have some reaction. I want to know how he's feeling, what he's feeling and everything in between. Why does he have to sit there with a smile on his face?

I can't tell if it's a smile because he got his information, or if he's happy about the answer he received.

"Really?" I say with a laugh, "I just admitted that I still love you, and you just sit there like an idiot."

"But I'm your idiot," he says, giving my hand a squeeze.

I stop for a moment, really soaking in what he said.

In this very moment right now, he's not mine. Not anymore. No matter how many times I lie to the doctors and nurses, it never made them true. Therefore he is not mine in this very moment.

So why did he just say he's mine?

Didn't we call off our engagement? Didn't we decide to have a clean break? Didn't we decide we didn't want a relationship anymore?

Unless that's changed.

"What?" I say in a tiny voice, "I though you didn't want me anymore."

"Of course I want you, y/n," he says softly, "I want you and only you."

Now it's my turn to smile like an idiot.

"I promise I won't shut down this time," he continues, "I'm going to be a better man for you. I'll pick up my shoes and put away my dishes. I'm going to take you on regular dates. I'm going to love you with all of my heart, y/n."

"You really think we could do it?" I whisper. Does he have faith in us?

"Of course we can," he says confidently, "and we're going to be fucking amazing at it too."

 "Yeah we would," I say with equal confidence, smiling like an idiot.

"Are you going to kiss me or not?" he asks jokingly, "I think that's part of my new medication, you know?"

"Oh really?" I laugh.

"Yes," he nods once, "And I'm ready for my daily dose."

I lean in and give him a kiss. It's a longing kind of kiss. A kiss that shows us each other's feelings entirely. In our kiss we tell one another just how much we missed the other. We tell each other that we needed the other person.

Ever since we've broken up, I've felt like a chicken without it's head. I've felt lost. I felt as if I had a purpose, but I just couldn't do it myself. I felt as if I had no true place to go. I wished to go home, even when I was laying in the comfort of my bed.

But this kiss brings me back home. This kiss brings me comfort and love. I've missed this kind of kiss.

A beeping sound causes us to break apart. Alex's heart rate monitor is beeping really fast.

Dave walks in the room, checking over vitals to make sure everything was alright

"What happened, Alex?" they ask jokingly after he ensures Alex is okay.  "Your heart got all excited and started beeping like crazy."

Alex turns various shades of pink. "Just thinking about pineapples and stuff."

"Pineapples?" Dave laughs a little, "you don't say?"

"Yeah they're my favorite fruit," Alex tells him, "I really like the smell."

"Well, maybe we'll have to get you some with dinner." Dave writes something down on a chart.

"That would be amazing," Alex smiles at me, giving my hand a squeeze, "I haven't had them in a while, but, boy, have I missed them."

author's note:

ahh pineapples

word count: 1282

After the Raid War (SEQUEL) / Quackity x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now