chapter eight (talk again)

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one month later

I started streaming again recently. It's been nice being able to hang out with everyone in our friend group again. I've been hanging out with Austin a lot recently, just as friends. I'm still not ready to date after the break up.

I can tell Alex is healing just like me. He started streaming again as well. He seems like he's doing really well.

I try my best to avoid seeing him though because I still get sad when I see his face or hear his voice, even after all these weeks.

This is one of those sad moments. I've been staring at my computer screen for the last thirty minutes as I read an email that says I have to cancel the venue or we lose our deposit.

Our venue. The only thing we were actually able to plan.

It was just one of those things that we instantly knew was right whenever we got there.


Alex drives the car with his hand on my knee. I smile at him as he sings along to the songs on the radio.

I've never been more happy and content in my life than I am right now.

I just feel like this is meant to be. We're meant to be.

"Do you want to do something spontaneous?" Alex says, interrupting my thought.

"Always," I smile, squeezing his hand.

"Let's go look at that wedding venue we saw the ad for." He turns another corner.

"Actually?" We saw an ad for a wedding venue, but we weren't sure if it was legit or not. We honestly haven't even started to plan our wedding. We don't even have a date picked out.

"Yeah, why not?" he shrugs.

We pull into the place. A lady walks up to us as we walk in.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" she asked with a big phony smile.

"We're looking for a wedding venue," I answered for us both.

"This is the perfect place." She motions for us to follow her. "Come take a peek."

We follow her around the gorgeous venue.

There's a large glass window behind the altar that overlooks an orchid. The light shines into the room right onto us.

I look up at Alex, smiling.

I could see us getting married here. I could see him standing in the sunlight as I walked down in white. I could see it all.

I can imagine the smiling faces as we say I do. Everything in this venue kind of falls into place.

"I'll let you guys have a moment," says the lady as she leaves the room.

We're quiet as we take in a full circle of the place.

"Can I be honest?" Alex asks, turning to face me.

"Yeah," I say, hoping it's the same thing that I'm thinking.

"I think this is it." he says.

"I think so too," I smile, "I can just see us getting married here."

We sit in awe of our potential wedding place.

We found the lady after a minute. She gets out her big planner to see the dates available for the wedding.

After the Raid War (SEQUEL) / Quackity x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now