chapter two (sparked)

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Alex is in the kitchen after the stream. I walk out of my room, tripping on his shoes once again.

"I thought I moved those damn shoes," I mutter as I grab a water bottle from the fridge, "Did you go somewhere or something?" I ask Alex, who is leaning on the counter.

"Uh, yeah," he says casually, not paying attention.

I don't remember him ever telling me that he was leaving. Isn't that something I should know? I live with him for goodness sakes. Shouldn't I know where he's at in case something happens?

I notice his dirty glass in the sink.

"Hey, can you put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher? It's empty." I ask. I know its empty because I put them away earlier in the day.

"Mhm," he says as he types something on his phone.

I sigh. Why can't he pay attention? I understand he's tired, but this is the most direct conversation we've had all day. 

Isn't that kind of sad?

Honestly, I'm tired of it. I'm tired of him not putting his shit away, not showing any effort and then acting like everything is fine on stream. I'm tired of us not being... us.

Everything is not fine either. Where is our effort? Where is our love? Where did our entire relationship go? Because I want it back.

I want him to kiss me when he wakes up and when he's about to go to sleep. I want to go on road trips and random drives at night. I want to stay in and watch a movie, or I want to go out and have fun. 

I want the boy I fell in love with, but I don't know where he is.

Now I have this person standing in front of me. Does he even realize that there's something off? Does he even care? He doesn't seem to care enough to pick up shoes or put his dishes away. Heck, he doesn't even care to tell me where he's going.

The blood inside of me boils as I think about those stupid shoes on the floor. 

Every single day I trip on those damn shoes. Every single say I ask for him to put them somewhere else. I mean just put them away, or at least throw them out of the way. Don't make it so I trip every time I walk by.

I glare at the shoes sitting on the floor outside our bedroom.

"Could you at least pick up your shoes Alex?" I say as I turn around to face him.

He's quiet as he finishes texting someone, "What?"

My hands ball up into fists. Seriously?

"Are you kidding me right now?" I spit.

"Sorry, I was distracted," he shrugs, "I'll take the trash out later."

"It wasn't about the damn trash!" I say frustrated, "It was about those stupid shoes laying in the middle of the floor."

"Why are you so angry? Relax y/n."

My eyes send daggers into his soul. "I cannot just relax Alex. Not without thinking about the dishes or the trash or the fact that you are putting absolutely no effort in whatsoever."

"I put in effort," he says, his voice beginning to raise, "I offered to do the trash."

"But you won't fucking do it, will you?" I say loudly, "I mean I feel like I don't even know you anymore, Alex. Where did you even go today??"

"I went out," he matches my tone of voice, "why do you even care so much?"

"Because we're supposed to be in a relationship,"  I huff, "What if something had happened to you? I wouldn't have even known where you were."

"Well," he says angrily, "I never know what to say to you anymore."

"How about I love you?" I yell, "It's been a while since you said that."

"Oh wow," Alex says sarcastically, "So this isn't about the shoes, is it? It's about you being insecure in our relationship?"

Ouch. That one cut deep into my soul. I'm quiet for a moment.

"Don't you understand that I have a career?" he continues to shout, "I don't have time for some of that shit. Shouldn't I be enough?"

"You are enough, Alex." I roll my eyes, "I just wish sometimes you would put this thing called effort into our relationship. Is that too much to ask?"

"You know what?" he looks me dead in the eyes, "If you have such a problem with my 'effort' then why don't I just leave?"

I stop for a second. I can't stand to look at him, but I still keep eye contact as I stare daggers.

He's said that before. In a very similar fight at the beginning of our relationship. I immediately said no and dropped it.

He expects that today too. He thinks I'll say no, and we'll carry on with our lives.

Except that I don't know how I feel. Every day is miserable because I feel tossed aside as he puts all his focus in everything but our relationship.

I have a career too. In fact, it's the same career as his. I tried to put effort into both my relationship and my career. Why can't he do the same?

Why is our relationship still crumbling? We haven't fought like this since... since before our relationship began when he was upset about Sapnap.

Does he have some sort of trust issue from that? I thought we patched everything up and were perfect, so where is this coming from? 

Why aren't we happy anymore?

I'm not happy in the relationship anymore, and I think I deserve to be happy.

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the decision I just made. A decision that has been a long time coming. One that has been quietly considered over and over again. For months. 

"Then go, Alex," I say quietly.

His angry eyes falter. "What?" he asks, bringing his volume down.

"You heard me," I say, pointing to the door, "get the fuck out."

"Fine," he mumbles. He grabs his phone from the counter, and he walks towards the door.

"Just know," he says before he turns the knob, "that if I leave, then it's over."

I swallow once. I hate that it's come to this. All our arguing has come to this very moment. A moment where he's suggesting that we break off the engagement.

"Wait," I say, walking towards him.

He slightly turns to face me. His eyes are still angry. 

He'll walk out this door, and he'll do it with no remorse. The way his eyes stare me down, his body language, his facial expressions... They all tell me the same thing: he will walk out this door and leave me behind forever.

I take the engagement ring off my finger, "Don't forget this."

I place the ring in his palm. He doesn't say a word. He looks at me with fire in his eyes.

All I've wanted was a spark of passion in our relationship. Now all I've sparked is hatred.

He slams the door behind him.

And I'm left all alone.

author's note:

i'm sorry guys..

word count: 1190

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