S. A. V. E. M. E.

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I got to school and the gates weren't even open yet, everything was uneventful until.


*Todoroki PoV*

I suddenly heard a scream, I followed it out of pure curiosity...

As I turn the corner into the ally way where I heard the scream from, and that's when I see it, a young lady, around the age of Fugumi, 20-25 years old.

She was being held down against her will, on a trash tub, where her mouth was being held shut, but she seemed to be paralyzed, as A disgusting bastard around his late '40s or early '50s, that disgusting bastard had just a bit down on her shoulder blade seemingly paralyzing her, 'I assume that's his quirk' I thought to myself as I kicked him off the Young Lady, and immediately after used my ice to keep him from escaping.

Of course, I called the 'police department and serves, of Musutafu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan' they came almost immediately, and arrested the disgusting bastard, while taking the Young Lady, to the hospital for further analysis.

By the time everything happened I was 2 hours late, "Oh Christ" I said to myself as I ran to the gates where 'Hound Dog' the pro hero was guarding, he give me one look and without even saying anything let me through the gates, 'well that was weird I thought to myself, as I quickly made my way to my 2nd period, Class 1 A...

I can't say that I wasn't surprised, I was, I wasn't expecting what I saw the moment I stepped into that room, Aizawa sensei seemed distressed at something I looked around the from in hopes of seeing Midoriya, and much to my dismay he wasn't there...

I went over to Mr. Aizawa, and soon discovered that Midoriya had gone missing, There were absolutely no signs of him anywhere, as I turned to my classmates and see them all Incomplete distress...

All but one, Bakugo...

He seemed to feel guilt, yet again he never showed emotions, such as sadness, happiness, but now however he seems off, but, it wasn't like you'd think...

It was almost as if guilt were to be eating away at him... 'I'll keep an eye on him I thought to myself as I went to my assigned seat, Something was off, but I can't put my finger on it...

Third-person PoV

Class 1 A was inconsolable, They dare friend, Crush, and Lover was now missing nowhere to be found, everyone had been so caught up in their little worlds that they didn't notice the fact that one of their classmates, seemed off, this classmate seemed to know something more than the rest didn't...

Even Bakugo showed remorse for Midoriya, But this one student didn't, they just sat there with a stupid grin on their face, and when asked why they would always respond with either 'I'm smiling because I'm sad' or 'I know he's fine, okay? we're going to find him' no one noticed the red flags right in front of them, they were simply too upset to notice...

Over with the LoV

"aAAAhhhAaHAÄaäääÅaaaAAAA" Echoed throw the walls, as..... Well...

Shigaraki PoV

"aAAAhhhAaHAÄaäääÅaaaAAAA" twice screamed, as I hid behind the couch, "No Go SoMeWheRe ElSe, BiTcH" he had the fucking, AUDACITY TO SAY TO MY FUCKING FACE!!! anyways...

"Where is he?!!??" I said scared for my life, as I suddenly heard...


"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH" I screeched at the top of my lungs, The demon spawn from Satan himself, popped out of thin air, and how is this demon you might wonder nonother than "IZUKU FUCKING SHIGARAKI" I heard dad yell from his office "STOP TORMENTING THE POOR KIDS BEFORE I GO OUT THERE AND BEAT YOUR ASS"

"BUT DAD THEY STARTED IT!!!" Izuku screamed back unfazed by the threats made, "ENOUGH!" Dad yelled from his office completely in raged but he Izuku being the pity little shit that he is he scream back, "OKAY FINE!" And then muttered "Bitch" under his breath, I chuckled at his antics.

"Hey Izuku, I have a question," I asked, "yeah what is it," he responded, "so what was your plan from the beginning...?" I asked honestly curious.

"Well you see.... " he said as he began to explain...

"So it was an act? " I asked completely angry, upset, but at the same time, I can't express how impressed I was of him for coming up with such a plan I mean he had the courage to do it.

"Okay, Okay, let me get this straight... " Said Toga with clear confusion in her voice, "yeah? " Izuku questioned, honestly intrigued by the statement...

"So you planned to let yourself be hurt, you let yourself be beaten and raped, and put up a fake personality, and even went to the extent of self-harming, to complete the act you were putting up? Because everything was going to lead up in a key step in your plan to ensure victory for us?" She asked, "That's a huge simplification of events but, Yes, that is the plan and everything is going accordingly, so far that is. "

"Jeez that wasn't very _____ of you midoriya," said _________, "Oh look how finally decided to show up the one and only 'Ua TrAtIoR', huh? " said Izuku with his iconic dead glare, oh "don't be like that, anyways, Midoriya, everyone is looking for you, since you went missing, you shouldn't go out, until the state pronounces you dead, also make sure you don't fuck up ______'s life up that much... " said _________  "oh whatever who cares 'they' deserve it anyway" said izuku with an almost psychotic expression, no one dares to even move, until, his expression change suddenly...

''I'll kill him next time, don't worry ________'' he said with a sweet smile until suddenly...


End of chapter 8

Oh wow, this chapter was an unexpected plot twist, even for me, I wasn't expecting that... Anyways next chapter is going to be good like omg I'm already working on it and I swear to God, Bitches and bros, and non-binary hoes, it's good okay so you don't want to miss out on it,  also I'm studying from my first quarter. Exams at school so I can't update as much but I'll try! Thank you for making it this far in the story!!! anyways Bye!!! See you next chapter!!!

1068 words!


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