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Midoriya PoV

I wake up on the bathroom floor in severe pain. Everything hurts. I wince in pain as I crawl over to the bath. It's not light outside yet, so I'm assuming it's about 5:30 in the morning. I run the water and think about last night.

Kacchan never will love me because I'm a useless piece of shit who doesn't deserve love. I feel tears come to my eyes, but I push them down. I learned a long time ago that there is no use in crying about it.

I haul myself over the rim of the bath and sink down into the water. I let out a sigh as the warm water passes over my sore bruised skin. The water is tainted pink from the blood leaking from my hole and other cuts on my body. I lift my arm and yelp in pain. It hurts so much. But it doesn't hurt as much as my heart does, knowing that Kacchan will never love me. He rejects my love and it is like a knife in side.

I finish my bath, and flop out of the tub and on to the ground. I crawl into my room and over to the wardrobe. I have to go to school or else Kacchan will get mad. I use the wardrobe handle to pull myself up. I cry out and fall down again. I proceed to keep putting myself through pain and misery until I can stand and walk around pretty well.

I throw on my UA uniform and walk out of the door without eating anything. And so began my day.

Tododokidoki PoV

A wait patiently for Midoriya at the front doors to UA. He walks up gingerly and wincing. I run over to him, concerned.

"Midoriya, what is wrong? You look like you're in pain," I say frantically.

"I'm fine," he says mustering up a smile.

"Whatever you say. I'm sorry about bothering you yesterday," I say quietly.

"It's fine. There actually was something wrong, I just didn't want to talk about it," he says sweetly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

"No, I took care of it," he says.

"Well if you ever want to talk I'm here and I care about what is going on with you," I say carefully.

"You really care?" he asks surprised.

"Of course I do! I love you Midoriya!" I blurt out.

"Um Todoroki. You mean platonically right?" he asks softly.

"Of course," I say, seeing a chance to redeem myself.

"Well I'm glad you care," he says softly.

"Of course I do," I say and hug him.

He hugs me back and his eyes fill with tears. He buries his face in my chest and sobs.

"Midoriya what's wrong!" I exclaim, alarmed.

"No one has ever been this nice to me before," he chokes out between sobs.

I pat his back softly and stand there, not sure what to do. I wait until he stops crying before taking him back to class.

Bakahoe PoV

Shitty Deku was late to class, and he was with Icyhot. Not that I care of course. As long as he doesn't get to close to half and half then I don't give a shit if he has friends. After all I have Kiri and that's one hundred times better than shitty Deku all to myself.

Speaking of Kiri, here he comes. Class has just finished so I guess he wants to hang out.

"So Kiri, what do you wanna do?" I ask smirking.

"Actually I'm too busy for you today. Denki and I have plans," he says.

"But I'm your boyfriend," I say, complaining.

"And Denki and I have wanted to hang out for awhile and you always keep me from him," he says logically.

"Whatever go hang out with him Shitty hair," I say venomously.

Great, my own boyfriend prefers his friend over me. Is this rejection? Oh well probably not.

I'm going to take this shit out on Deku. And, I know just how to do it.

If you aren't comfortable with smut, don't read the following PoV

Midoriya PoV

Kacchan falls into step beside me halfway home.

"Kacchan, why are you walking with me?" I ask quietly.

"Because I wanna have some fun with you when we get home," he whispers seductively.

"Oh," I say, my heart sinking.

Of course he just wants sex. That's all he ever wants. I know why. It's because I'm useless and not good for anything other than sex, but it still stings.

We walk through the front door and he practically shoves me through the door to his room. He shoves some lingerie into my arms and pushes me into the bathroom. I walk out in the lingerie, feeling self-conscious.

Kacchan pushes me against the wall, a hungry look in his eyes. He kisses me roughly and pins my arms above my head. That's when he takes it too far.

He puts a blindfold on me and ties my wrists together with rope. Feeling helpless, I quiver in fear.

"Now I can do whatever I want to do to you Deku," he whispers in my ear.

I continue shivering in fear, not ready for what Kacchan had in store. He slipped the lacy underwear off of me and inserted himself in my hole. Not prepared, I howl in pain. He moves inside of me furiously, not giving me time to adjust.

I can feel tears leaking from my eyes and blood from my hole. I want Kacchan but not like this. I want him to be to me like he is to Kirishima, calm, caring, and reverent.

His pace quickens and he slams into my prostate hard. And, despite myself, I moan loudly. He keeps going, and I continue moaning until finally I cum. But, he doesn't stop, he keeps going. I can't breathe it hurts so much. But, I signed up for this treatment so I can't back out now.

Kirishima PoV

Katsuki is a bitch to everyone but me. I knew that of course and honestly didn't mind until now. He has gone from hangout with your friends whenever, to a clingy butt-hurt bitch, and I hate it. I love him, but he needs to straighten up and fast. But, I will give him some time and talk to him about it soon.

I'm sorry 😀🔫


Just a Toy~ (TDDk) (Abusive Bakugo) /Villain Deku *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now