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I'm going to try a Different writing style today :)

                     Bakugo PoV

He presses close to him and I murmur sweet nothings into his ear. We stay like that for the rest of the evening, him pressed against me and me stroking him softly, running my hand through his soft hair.

But by the time I'd woken Deku was no where to be found, therefore I went to my Room quickly dressed myself and went to class.

But by the time I had arrived to school, I see My Deku, and Icy- hot making out.

I felt so in raged, I wanted to beat shit outta both of them, I felt so heart broken.

But why? Why do I fell so hurt...?
I don't like him. I never. But then, Why.... ?

Do I like Deku...?!

'No it can't be why? I-i never thought what would happen, no there's no way I cou-' I got pulled out of my thoughts as someone pulled me my arm, with made me snap my face towards them. And there he was Kirishima, as he's next words broke my heart and they were,

"There a cute couple, huh? "

As I silently agreed, Yet again we weren't dating. We were just fuck buddies, nothing more.

But if so why did it hurt so much? Why did I treat him how I did. 'I- I'm sorry' I muttered to myself as I turned away from Kirishima, and went into the classroom...

                       DEKU'S POV

By the time I woke up I was still in Bakugo's laps I was upset somehow as something felt off to say the least.

So I carefully left his laps and went ot my room and quick changed into my UA uniform as I quietly left the house.

By the time I was nearing the UA gates I saw Sho- kun waiting for me, I felt butterflies in my stomach as I quickly got up to him, but then I realized.

'Why do I'm suffering for Bakugo if I love Sho- kun....?  W-wait- I- love him...?'

The realization just hit me like a million tons, I love Shoto and not platonically.

As I stopped dead in my tracks and my facial features went adorable shade of pink, as I stared to walk once more.

I quickly made my way toward Sho- kun, as we started catching up on the events of yesterday.

We made our way to the classroom, and coincidentally the door was locked as we had no choice but to stand there in awkward silence, as slowly but surely, started to just stare at each other's eyes.

It felt forever, just staring into he's intoxicating two toned eyes as I suddenly I felt a pair of lips against mine, I was so nerve wracking... But I couldn't help but melt into the kiss.

As I grabbed his beautiful two toned hair and kissed back, as I felt him roughly grab my slim waist, as he pulled me closer toward him as I couldn't help but melt in his strong arms. 

                 TODOROKI POV

After a few minutes of just making out with Izuku, we had to come up for air with a string of saliva still connecting our lips as we had our breath, I went back to kissing him and I felt him relax in my arms.

As I proceed to stuff my hands into his pants, and squeezed his fat ass check, as he gasped.

I took this opportunity to slip my tongue into his month and explore every inch of it.

As I suddenly hear loud footsteps almost as stomping, I looked towards the left and saw Bakugo looking almost heartbroken he look so in raged, which made me smirk in satisfaction.

As I looked back at Midoriya and he looked so... Happy.

I felt accomplished, I pulled him impossibly closer towards me, and pecked him on the lips for one last time as the, first bell rang.

And Midoriya and I went into the classroom, I could see Bakugo raging as we walked in holding hands, coincidentally we sat right next to each other and we simply couldn't stop flirting....

I could tell Bakugo hated it for some reason he wasn't even paying attention to Kirishima... It was quite odd...

As we proceeded to enter the classroom Izuku and I coincidentally sat right next to each other, we didn't stop flirting with each other, he seemed to love the attention.

I couldn't help but smirk in satisfaction everytime he giggled it made my heart melt, but as soon as we had our break, he came over to me and sat on my laps, and yet again we started making in front of the class he didn't seem to care he actually look happy...

But I couldn't help notice how upset Bakugo seemed, he was just staring at us in clear jealousy.


Okay I know this chapter was really short, but who cares ain't nobody reading this anyways


Just a Toy~ (TDDk) (Abusive Bakugo) /Villain Deku *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now