It's My Fault...?

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Toddoroki Pov

Not the best, but tomorrow will be better, I suppose he had left, we were looking for him majority of the of the period, but no luck, eventually I went home, defeated, but I would get to the of this...


Midoriya PoV

Sho- change approached me in the locker room, him and I are right next to each other, 'What an incredible coincidence', I thought to myself as I changed, Today felt different however, almost as if my gut was telling me that something horrible was awaiting, I ignored that feeling until I felt a pair of eyes staring intensely, couldn't help but look up at however it was, honestly I was quite freaked out..

And then I realized...

He saw them, The bruises and cuts on my body, and the way he was looking at them made me shiver.

Was Bakugo right? I'm I so disgusting that my own boyfriend, is staring at me like that..?

Thoughts flooded my mind, horrible, and terrifying thought, my mind was screaming, the pit of my stomach filled with worry and anticipation of what might happen next, I couldn't take it, I couldn't think straight the feeling of disgust with myself, I couldn't take the glare on my body.

Even my own boyfriend thought so I couldn't take it, the only thing I could do the was run, my mind screamed at me to get out of that situation, even though I knew, it wasn't the right thing to do.

But yet again I did it, I was so scared what he might think. I was so scared of what they might say.

I'm a Failure , I knew this was wrong, but yet again, I don't care any longer.

I'm a failure, I'm the worst, Thoughts such as these flooded my mind, I felt so alone as I ran through the forest, the weather wasn't the at it's it wasn't at it's worst yet but, I would definitely freeze to death in this weather...

I ran so far and for so long that when I realized I was exhausted that I no longer had the energy to move, my body went limp as I collapsed onto the grass that was previously under my feet, it was moist and cold but the feeling wasn't necessarily unpleasant.

But, suddenly I heard almost a psychopathic laughter, it was calming in a way, I heard heavy foot steps approach me.

'This is the end for me' I thought to myself, as I slightly smiled I didn't have the energy nor cared enough to see who the person was, But then suddenly...

'It's my fault... I put this upon myself' this thought was so random it almost made me wonder if it was true...

But the Everything went black...

Dabi Pov

Toga or crazy as I like to call her, We were walking in the forest near the bar, of course It was cold outside it's fucking winter! Anyways we were in a trance of coherent and incoherent conversations such as our lifes, and what has lead us to this point...

"It's ironic to me... I had wanted to be a hero for majority of my life... But as I grow older and shit happened, I grew to hate this disgusting hero society..." I commented.

"Really How come? " Toga asked

"One of my personal believes are that life is somewhat of a paradox, let me explain, life to me is like the classroom system, or most commonly know as the classroom paradox" I explained

Just a Toy~ (TDDk) (Abusive Bakugo) /Villain Deku *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now