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Continuation ....

Even though preeta was a little bit surprised as to why Karan forgave her so soon and as far as she remembered he had told her that he did not give a damn about what would happen to her. She remembered everything to that he had told right after their marriage on their marriage night.


Preeta was sitting in the middle of the bed waiting impatiently for her husband who was her one and only love. She was extremely happy that finally she won't have to feel lonely anymore as she will have a life partner to share everything with and a partner to which she can trust.

She was brought back to her senses after she heard the door locking sound. Her face turned crimson red before her husband touched her. She was so happy that destiny decided to bring a storm in her life.

Karan walked to where she was and harshly grabbed her shoulders and pinned her to the wall.

Karan (angrily) : Why are you in my room, aren't supposed to be in the guest room?

Preeta was surprised by what Karan was saying to her. Tears started brimming in her eyes as she never expected anything like this on her wedding night.

Preeta : Karan why are you saying this, we are married remember, so I have to come to your room on our wedding night because I am now your wife.

Suddenly Karan started laughing,

Karan : Wow Preeta Arora wow , you never seem to amaze me . Everytime you act so innocent as if you have never done anything wrong and you can never do anything wrong . I think you suffer from a short term memory loss so let me tell you why you should not be in my room and why I don't accept you as my wife and I never will.(angrily) if you don't remember you pushed my father down the stairs and you were the one who also poisoned my father the night before. So now I don't understand what in the good heavens makes you do special that I will just forget your mistakes and let you live in my room ,in my house and in my life so peacefully?

Preeta was so shocked that all the tears that were breaking finally decided to fall.

Preeta(tearfully) : Karan , I did not do anything please believe me when I tell you that I love your father like my own and I will never stoop so low that i will poison a person who is like a father to me I swear .

Karan found honesty in her words but his EGO is always happy to believe lies instead of accepting the provided truth. Due to this Karan thought that preeta is trying to emmotionally blackmail him in order to hide her lies.

Karan: You know what preeta I have had enough of the same conversation with you so I will do something that will be good for me.  You will stay in this room and in front of the family members we will act like a happy couple and if you dare to say a word to anyone I will make sure that I will punish you so hard that you will never have the courage to speak to anyone else in your life.

Flashback ends...

After this preeta thought that Karan is just acting so she started to cry thinking that he is going to punish her when they get home.

Karan saw her tears and he thought that she might be thinking that he is just taking his concern and this thought hurt him to the core. He decided to make sure that he is not just imagining and thinking that he is at fault even though he was at fault he just wanted to do right thing to make her happy and make her feel loved.

Karan : Hey babydoll , did I do something , are you thinking about what I said. You know that I am a big doffer and I was just angry please don't mind everything I said , I know that you don't believe anything I am saying now but please do trust me when I say that I have realised my mistake and I will make sure that I have your trust back again.

Preeta felt that there was honesty so she thought that if he was honest he would have said something that will always make sure that she believes him. She decided to push his wrong buttons to test if he trust her .

Preeta : Karan I was the one who poisoned your father and I also pushed him down the stairs.

Karan knew that she was just testing him and that she would be able to forgive him if he proves himself that he believes her.

Karan :  Babydoll I know that you did nothing and will you please stop testing me because I do believe you and I know that Dad hurt himself on purpose.Even though it will be difficult to gain your trust I promise you that I will be able to make you happy once again.

Preeta was overwhelmed by what Karan had just told her she couldn't digest what he had said so she pinched herself for about three times to make sure that she was not daydreaming or in a fairytale. Karan chuckled at her childish antics. He was happy because he could finally repair all the damages that he had made.

Karan: So babydoll, do you forgive your DDD?

Preeta : Of course Loser Luthra , I know that you were just blinded by what you were being told and you couldn't see the bigger picture because the all you could think about was what you saw and you believed that whatever you saw was the reality. It happens to all of us and although you are guilty I promise you that no one will live in my room feeling guilty okay.

Karan was feeling so blessed to have such an amazing and king hearted wife , he couldn't help himself so he hugged her.

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