Rᴇᴜɴɪᴛᴇᴅ ??????

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Sarla took him and made him sit on the couch . She started doing his first aid meanwhile raghuver was on the call with preeta.

Raghuver : Preeta ,beta you must come home to your husband.

Preeta (tearfully): Did he come ,papa?

Raghuver : Yes , beta he did and he also took all the punishments but now he cant walk so he needs you as his pillar , please better.

Preeta(lil worried): What happened to him dad , is he fine, why cant he walk dad please tell me?

Raghuver: Calm down beta he is being treated by your mother.She made him walk on got coal and he did so without even thinking about himself.

Preeta was in tears after hearing this.

Preeta : Dad i am coming now dont let him go anywhere i know he is stubborn , he might even want to come here but tell him i am coming in at least 3 hours. Even if he insists saying that he wants to fetch me dont allow him please.

Raghuver : Ok beta i will make sure he doesnt even go to buy you flowers, and please be safe call me tge moment you land i will send a driver for you, ok.

Preeta: Ok dad i will now i am going to pack my belongings i will take care of the business from India.

Raghuver : Ok beta , bye.

Preeta cut the call and immediately started packing all her belongings and needed accesories.She told her manager to get her private aeroplane ready as she needs to be in India in 2 hours.

In 30 minutes she was done with her packing and was all ready and settled in her plane. She took off and in one and half hours she was already in India . She called her father and told him that she landed.

On her way home she was worried but the next moment she felt her head extremely paining.She had been in an accident. In 10 minutes she fell unconcious.

People gathered and took both preeta and her driver to the hospital.Raghuver tried to call preeta but the receptionist at the gospital.told him about the situation and he immediately told both sarla and karan.

He tried to tell karan to stay back so long but karan was adamant so he stood up even though his feet were paining he didnt care he asked the driver to take him to the hospital followed by preetas parents.

Karan asked the receptionist and he was shown where preeta was. He stood outside the OT looking at yhe love of his life fighting for her life. Tears were constantly flowing from his eyes . The doctor came out.

Karan: Doctor how is my wife?

Doctor :   Well, Mr Luthra I have both good and bad news. The good news is that your wife is out of danger and she is recovering but the bad news is that ehhh......

Karan: Doctor please speak up what is wrong with my wife I need to know, what is the bad news that you are hesitating to tell me?

Karan asked tensed.

The doctor was at first hesitant as he knew that the news he is about to give might change both Karan and preeta's lives.

Doctor: Well Mr Luthra your wife has suffered a memory loss and the estimated time is about 2 years.

Karan was devastated because his babydoll had finally forgiven him but she won't remember anything. He started crying miserably. At the same time both raghuver and Darla had come and heard the devastating news. They were disheartened but they were happy and when Karan saw them smiling he was confused as to why he is so happy because preeta has suffered a memory loss so he thought of asking.

Karan:  Maa, pa why are you guys smiling preeta is in there and she has a memory loss and you are here smiling may I know reason. Karan asked a little confused.

Both Sarla and Raghuver nodded their head in disbelief.

Both: Beta , why do you look so smart on the outside and you are dumb on the inside. This is a good opportunity to rekindle that lost  friendship and trust that she once had for you.

Karan was surprised and happy as well because even though he never thought of this ,he can finally correct his mistakes that even though it was his double who had created all this he was also at fault because for 1 year he tortured her.

He asked the doctor if he can see her. He was allowed , he entered inside and saw her looking up in the ceiling thinking about something.

She could feel his presence so she immediately looked in his direction with a smile but he was hesitant because he knew that either she is afraid or she is heartbroken depending as to where and what happened according to her.

Karan : Hie babydoll, how are you feeling? He asked with a smile on his face

Preeta: Karan I know that you are not happy with our marriage so we can go to the lawyer tomorrow and do the divorce.

Karan was numb hearing this from her but he had to make things right so he decided to talk to her.

Karan: Preeta , I don't want a divorce from you because I know that it wasn't you who caused dad's accident and dad is also fine now. I also forgive you for all that had happened between us and I want us to move on. I don't want to lose you preeta and I promise you that from now on I will make sure that you are always happy because now we are married and both our families are ok with it so I will try my best to always keep that smile on your face, ok.

Preeta was surprised hearing this but she was extremely happy as she got what she has always dreamt of her love accepting her and forgiving her for everything that she did even though she knew that what she did was not at all a good thing because he did not deserve it .

Done with this part.

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Precap: Preeran dated before marriage????

Signing off

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