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I went looking for my sister and I didn't find her at work or her place of residency so I headed to the lot after picking up some lunch knowing that it was a great possibility she'd be there since Jax is always there unless handling business or on a run.

When I pulled up I spotted her cutlass since she wouldn't use one of my cars claiming it wasn't a proper fit for her.

So I climbed out of the car and headed towards the garage.

"Gemma can I have my two boys to join me for lunch?" I asked

she looks up at me.

"Sure" she says

 I smiled 

"thank you" I replied before I walked over towards the garage roll up door. 

"hey babes you two have time to eat lunch with me?" I asked

they both looked at me and smiled before they washed their hands and came over to me greeting me with a kiss before we headed for the picnic tables.

We sat there enjoying one another company asking about how work was and everything that has happened since this morning. 

"well it seems my sister has been hiding shit from me and I wont let that continue with out me saying something to her." I tell them

"what happened?" Tig asked after we all finished our lunch.

"well half way though my work day I got a visit from Unser and Hale asking me about some ATF guy that apparently followed my sister from Chicago to Charming. they asked me if I knew anything of him and what had occurred which I told them no I didn't know of him or what occurred I only knew that she was being stalked and she left Chicago in hopes he'd stop. Hale thought I was lying to cover for T but I told him I was being honest since she's not said a single word to me in quiet a while." I tell them

"why has she ignored ye for?" Chibs asked

"you tell me darling and we'll both know." I replied

"she's been spending quiet a long time with Jax. which pisses Gemma off so badly." Tig says

"so she blows me off for a highschool ordeal?"

"apparently so" Tig says

I went and tossed my trash before I sat back down.

"she and I will be having a long talk about this shit." I informed them

they neither one say anything just give me a kiss then go back to work.

I sat there and wait to see if my sister was gonna walk out the clubhouse or pop up some where. while I waited I'd make short talk with some of the other sons that were coming and going before she finally appeared.

"Hold it right there Tara Abigal Knowles" I say

She and Jax both stop and look at me as I stood there looking directly at her.

"what Senna?" she asked

"you and I need to talk" I tell her

"what about?" she asked

"Oh I don't know the fact you are fucking ignoring me since coming back home. the fact that you've not told me about the fuckingATF agent that's sniffing your ass out." I replied

she looked at me slightly shocked.

"How do you know about that?" she asked

"not from you thats for damn sure which is fucked up." I replied

"then who told you?" Jax asked

"I am talking with my sister please walk off" I tell him

"no he can stay, he knows about it" she says

"this is so fucked up Tara."


"I told you why. you fucking ignoring me not telling me anything thats going on in your life like we always had. and you're blowing me off for someone you left behind." I replied

"what I do isn't your concern anymore, I'm not a little girl who needs her older twin to save and protect her ass" she says

"no you just need your highschool love to kill your stalker to rid of your problem instead of you handling it yourself" I replied

she glared at me.

"look what I do for her isn't your business its her's and mine" he says

"apparently its not just yours and her business when everyone single son from here to Washington knows bout it not to mention the Charming PD and probably Chicago's as well. and I'm positive the ATF knows all about it since the guy is one." I replied

"will you just but out of my life. for once?" Tara asked

 "you want me to but out. fine but don't you come crying to me when he fucks croweaters and pornstars. don't come crying to me when your twos "perfect" little relationship goes to fucking hell cause I wont care." I tell her

"I don't need you anymore" she says

"good then you wont need my things. so move your shit outta my house and quit using my car. I'm sure Jackson here will allow you to move in since your bother fucking each other. and I'm sure he'll let you have a repod car if not buy you one." I tell her

 "thats dads house,not yours you cant kick me out. and thats his car." she says

"On the contrary sister dear since I was the closest living realitive to him his attorney told me that he had signed everything over to me so I own the house, the car and everything that was his. so you have Jax help you get your fucking shit outta my house and you best park my car back in the garage and leave it. I don't want to have to get the cops on child that was once my sister but is now a chickshit doctor."

"At least I wasn't sexually assaulted when I was younger and I never miscarried," she says

I lunged at her and started beating her ass.

when Jax tried to pull me off I punched him in the dick making him back off. before I grabbed Tara up.

"Listen here you piece of shit. dad and the crooked cops did disturbing shit to you. but they never got to fully do anything cause I fucking beat their ass. I took most of the nasty disturbing shit they did. while they'd tease and taunt you I had to deal with that shit in order to keep it from happening to your fucking ungrateful ass. as for miscarriage I've suffered from plenty due to the beatings I got protecting you from dad all his buddies. so don't you fucking through that shit up in me face again or so help me all that are the fucking Sons. I will do more than beat your ass." I say before I dropped her and stood up brushing myself off and looked at Jax.

"don't you fucking ever get involved in mine and her business again or I will do more than fucking dick punch you" I warned before I walked off.

"Gemma the hate you have for my sister will get worse. and from this point on I don't care if you shot her, beat her ass, or have her taken away. cause this point forth I no longer have a sister. she's nothing but an ungrateful piece of trash" I say before I get in my car and leave.

Their Precious Flower (not edited & its complete)Where stories live. Discover now