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Not everyone was happy about me being with my two little dorks.  When Gemma found out she thought I'd pull my sister and run away.

"its like I told people whose questioned me about that before. had I wanted to leave Charming I would've left with Tara. But I didn't I stayed here, went to law school got my degree in law & business opened me a little law office and its where I am staying. you might not like me being here or being with Chibs and Tig thinking I'll pull my sisters high school stunt. but I am not & I won't. Gemma you'll be seeing me around a lot, and I have no issue with you like you do me for no reason. so while you treat me like shit or think lowly of my like you do Tara cause she fucked Jax over by leaving him. I will show you respect. cause to me two wrongs doesn't make a right. besides my two men love you and respect you and me hating you and the whole bullshit drama that could accure if I was to treat you the same way you have treated me whole make this place a shit show." I told her

"isn't it ironic how your a lawyer and the two your seeing are criminals?" she asked as she pushed some hair back from her eyes.

"who we fall in love with doesn't limit what they are or what they did. so what they did things to make them serve time. hell I've done stupid shit. I've served time so I'm a crimal who still has a record but is helping those who gets shit on by arrogant cops. I help the innocent when shit is blamed on them. my boys help keep this town safe of rapist,druggies, and all other bad people. yea they kill, they run guns, and other shit. but they don't harm me or threatened my life in any way." I answered

"you always have an answer for something don't you?"

"you ask a question and if I can answer it I will. if no then I wont."

She stood there and looked at me not saying anything.

"fine I'll give you a try but the minute you hurt them two I'm coming for you."

"trust me Gemma if I hurt them two I'd beat my own ass. cause for once in my life I have no worries about being loved for who I am and being excepted for being the outcast who just lucked up to be a lawyer."

"what are you talking about?"

"Growing up Tara and I was totally different. I stuck to myself since no one wanted to be with the "quiet" one. so while Tara spent time with the science nerds, the math, nerds, along with Jax and Opie I was alone. and I had been fr a grand majority of my life since looking my mom. "

"What about your father?"

 I huffed and shook my head.

"that piece of shit doesn't deserve to be called a father for the shit he did to Tara and me.  But I got him back every time he do something to us I'd do it to him and much worse. & trust me you don't wanna know half of what I did to that drunk fucker. wasn't pretty."

"so you glad he is dead."

"he's rotting in hell where he belongs. I no longer have to worry about his disgusting late night visits to me and my sister.  I don't have to worry about being blamed for mine and my sister's mom's death."

she looked at me shocked.

"She never said anything about what he did to you girls," Gemma says

"I asked her to keep it to ourselves cause none of the cops believed us cause they were buddy buddy buddy with him. hell, half of those mother fuckers joined. and like I did him I done them. which is why I have a record. and yes the so much evidence against those sons of bitches but the judge was bought off so he turned a blind eye to every piece of evidence. which is one of the bigger reasons I became a lawyer, so I can help people like my sister and I. who experienced what we had growing up."

After learning of that Gemma started treating me with respect. 

Their Precious Flower (not edited & its complete)Where stories live. Discover now