chapter 16

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Recap :

He smiled at me and said, "I would love to do it again."

Now my cheeks are as red as tomatoes. Not wanting to embarrass myself more. I went inside and closed the door. I swear I heard him chuckle.

That night, I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Amelia's POV:

I woke up to someone knocking on my door. It was just a faint sound, but it was enough to wake me up. I stretched myself and opened the door. There is Cilia in a cute little pink dress standing there.

" Hiii. Do you need anything?" I asked, crouching down to her level.

"Mummy went out. S-so can I plawy with you? " She asked in her cute little voice.

" Yaaa sure . Come in."

She sat on my bed.

"Just wait here; I will have a quick shower, and we can play then," she nodded, and I went to the bathroom to have a shower.

After I had my shower, I came out and found her still on my bed.

"Come on, we will play," I called her.

She jumped with joy, clapping her hands.

"Did you have breakfast?" I asked her.

She shook her head.

"Come on, let's have breakfast, then we will play."

We went to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her to place herself on a chair.

"Pawncawkes," she said.

"Do you mean pancakes?" I asked.

She nodded her head.

I was mixing pancake batter. When someone came behind me and shouted "boooooo,"

I was startled, so my reflexes kicked in, and I threw the batter bowl on that person. Hey, don't judge me; I was not expecting that person. I turned towards that person to face Luca, who is filled with pancake batter from head to toe. I just can't control my laughter.

I burst into laughter by looking at him covered in batter. Cilia beside me also started laughing.

"Luca, you look like a Pawncawke super hero," Cila said between her laughs.

"Now I need to teach you both a lesson," Luca said, picking up the floor and dropping it on us. I picked up the cilia and ran to the fridge.

"Let's change Luca from a pancake super hero to an egg super hero now. Are you ready?" I asked her. She nodded eagerly.

We threw eggs at Luca. He was filled with egg shells, whites, and yolks. He looked so hilarious. Me and Cilia laughed harder. He came towards us with milk and poured it on our heads.

So that's how our food fight started. We made the whole kitchen a big mess. And when I was about to throw an egg at him, Leo came in between the egg and Luca. I am so dead now. Rip Amelia, you will be missed. Amelia is a daughter, a friend, and a good human being.

That egg hit Leo on the head. He looked so good with an egg on his head. I tried very hard not to laugh at him. Since Leo is a disciplined one, he didn't start another fight, but he gave me and Luca a 2-hour lecture on how childish we are.

Luca, being the stupid one, ended up throwing the floor even on Leo. That made us receive another lecture about how we even ruined Cilia. He threw us into our respective rooms and told us to take a shower.

After having another shower, I went to Cilia's room and played with her as I promised. After that, we went to have lunch. But when I greeted Leo, he didn't reply. He is angry at me and Luca for starting the food fight, which ended with Leo having a head full of eggs. He is not talking to me or Luca. Who is childish now? We had lunch in silence. After lunch, I played with Cilia.

I fed Cilia dinner in her room. I am not hungry, so I didn't eat anything. I tucked her in bed, wished her a good night, and went to my room. I have grown very close to this little girl. It's been two months since I started living here. These people are like my second family. I grew comfortable around them.

I feel guilty for starting the food fight. I think he felt bad because of my actions. I need to say sorry for him. I started walking towards Leo's room with my phone in my hands. I was walking faster when I reached Leo's room. I kept my hand on the door. I can't get myself to knock on the door. I removed my hand and kept it again. Again, I removed my hand. I have done it two times, but I can't get myself to knock. I'll say sorry tomorrow. I was about to go back to my room when someone called me from behind.

"Excuse me, Miss," I said, turning back to see a security guard at Leo's house.

"Um, nothing. I was about to talk to Leo, but now I will go to my room."

I said that, and I started walking towards my room. Then I felt someone pull my hand. I look back to see that security guard.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Then he said, "Not so soon, Amelia."

I was shocked. He sprayed something on my face. I feel dizzy.

"What the hell did you do?" I asked.

"Good night, Amelia." That was the last word I heard before I fell onto the floor.

Hey guys! How are you? So who do you think has the guts to do that to Amelia? Love you guys 💖💖 . Your comments make me happy. Thank you for reading.

*Edited on 2010-10-21

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