Ch 7: 🌤 Opening Clouds [Hello Sunshine] {2ND ACT-PRT 1: SCENE 1}

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A/N: heyy y'all my wonderful readers! Did y'all have lunch in school? What y'all ate? I'm still at home quarantining... I've got spicy ramen noodles and football snacks next to me while i wrote this for you~!😜🤗 ANYWAYS! The date night! Hope y'all like this treat~!😘🤗❤💜



Date: same date from Ch 6
Location: same location from Ch 6
Time: late evening, night time


It's been pretty much all day that Michael had spent his day outside after hours since Prince had left for his panel meeting. Michael had lunch on a little picnic table that was close by the playground compound with the house maid bringing his food and drink with such generosity that she even said herself that she'll bring the pregnant dancer anything that he's craving for as she was the ONLY person to know outside the building, that Michael Jackson was pregnant and was told as a warning by her boss to keep it a secret from anyone she knew or she'll be removed from her job at Paisley Park by Prince's demand. (In other words, Prince'll kick her ass out and take back any new coming checks/payments as it is his right and money, if she spills Michael's biggest secret to the PRESS and be shamed on public TV if she spills the tea. So, she sworn her whole life that she'll even be Michael's midwife for the birth of the baby when the time comes as she'd mentioned that she used to be a part-time nurse). Michael thanked her for her hard work as she'd left him in peace in that hour.

After lunch, Michael took the time to the swings as he was starting to miss Prince now. He still couldn't believe that he was asked to a date with him tonight. Michael didn't know what to wear for the date as he then forgot again that his clothes were still at his sister's house. And speaking of sister, his phone rang from his pocket and paused his swinging to a hault and rolled his eyes with a sigh, knowing that it was Janet.

Michael had answered it and already knew, was met with a frantic/worried sister on the other line. Michael reassured her that he was fine and safe at Prince's house as Janet was skeptical yet unbelievable surprised by that saying from her brother. She knew that her brother and Prince Rogers Nelson were rivals but, didn't expect to hear that the Prince had even let Michael into his home because for the safety of his pregnancy. But overall, Janet had accepted it and told him that she'll send in his suitcases of his clothes from his closet back at his home in package by her name. Michael was grateful and relieved for his sister as she is his favorite sister.

Janet teased him a little bit about trying not to crush on the King of Funk Music and got Michael blushing and rolled his eyes over the phone as heading Janet laughing hysterically and annoyingly at him after sensing his eye roll. She gave her love quickly to him before being immediately hanged up by purposely annoyance. As he checked the time on the front of the device, it read almost 5:30 PM in the evening. It was almost his date night with Prince.

Michael sighs, trying to calm his rapid beating heart of his chest and got up from his seat of the swing and left the compound of the playground and walked back over to the house. Once entering back inside the guitarist's home again, Michael went straight to the stairs and up to his bedroom to find nice formal clothes for tonight and a shower.

As he entered back inside his bedroom, Michael was then already met with a very, luxurious dark red, burgandy feminine tux suit that hanged up on a white Chinese inspired, cherry blossom patterned dressing divider with a black frame and matching dark peach flat shoes with sowed in diamonds on the front toe ends.

There was also a large white note card that was tied on the neck of the black hanger facing backwards, showing a blank side. Michael arched his eyebrows in confusion and walked towards the surprise of his room and flipped over to start reading the note on the suit. The writing must've been in Prince's handwriting as it was almost in half cursive half child writing with glittery purple ink and cute doodles in the words and on the bottom of the note card.

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