Ch 4: 🌥 The Peeking Sun {PRT 3: SCENE 3}

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A/N: what up y'all? It's FINALLY the weekend again~!😃🎉🤗 SO! 🙂👏 here is the second part from chappies 3! To be honest, this chappies is ✨touchy feely, feely touchy=fluffy✨ Prince is at the rescue of silencing Michael's panic mode and we'll have the part of the truth spilled of how Michael got his ass pregnant from a curious yet overprotective Prince!🙂💜💕



Date: same date from Chs 1, 2 + 3
Location: in between New York/Airport
Time: late evening, night time


Once finally pushing Michael quickly into the decoy car away fron that unexpected accident fron his crazy ass fans, Prince was in the middle of yelling in his anger at his body guard Chick to find that man who'd tried to hurt Michael and press charges on him. While in the car, Michael was still hiding his face from the total embarrassment of losing his cover with Prince out there. He was freaking out and close to tears. As he tries to calm himself down, Prince finally stepped back in the car in his left side seat and the car door closes behind him and scoffed disgustingly at him with a shake of his head of how ridiculous the safety measures were he gave to his body guards. Once sitting down in his car seat, Prince heard quiet sobs and saw that Michael had been panicking. The guitarist's eyebrows arched and raised in sadness and surprise as he then called to Michael.

"Hey, Michael? It's alright, I'm here, calm down. It's okay~." Prince began saying softly as he next reached his arms and hands to wrap around the crying singer and pulled him closer to his chest. Michael felt the warm touch from the other Dom and accepted Prince's comforting hold and mushed his face into Prince's chest as yellow shirt. He continued crying and sobbing quietly on him as this touching was new to him, the baby stopped it's crazy haywire fluttering from the accident and gently, settled down quick to also sensing a calmer Dom in presence.

While letting the singer let it out, Prince cusses to himself at how guilty he feels for letting that happen to Michael. But felt great that he'd asked for pressed charges on the crazed fan that committed the ridiculous act. As pushing that aside, Prince continues, giving slow, caressing rubs of his hands that wrap around Michael's shoulders and arm muscles and hushing him. Prince had leaned in infront of the front seats of the driver seats to the butler and told him to have him a cold water bottle. The butler kindly and quickly turned over handed his boss the bottle and Prince grabs it. He gave Michael's left shoulder a gentle rub of his right hand and nudged the cold drink to his attention as he starts to hear Michael's sobs subside.

"Hey, got some water. Think you can drink some~?" Prince asked kindly as Michael then lifts up from laying and crying on Prince's chest. He sniffs and wipes at his tears as he scoffed at himself from this ridiculous crying all day. He nodded at the guitarist and reached for the bottle. "Uhm... Thank you..." Michael lowered, a bit shy in his voice as he then opens the cap of the bottle and took a few huge gulps.

After having a moment of silence while waiting for the pregnant man to let him drink some water to calm down, Prince watches Michael sigh and puts down the half water bottle in a cup holder behind him and layed back down against Prince's chest. As his cheeks burn back to red blushing from the return silent begging comfort, Prince let's the singer lay back down on him and looked out the car window. The car was driving now as they were on the road to the New York airport.

"... Can I lay on you... for a little bit, please?" Michael asked, a bit shy, breaking their silence as he lifted up to look at Prince with his head on his chest.

Prince let's out a settled sigh that caused his chest to fall up and down softly to the position the both men were sitting in the back of the car. "Yeah, sure I.. Guess..." Prince almost stutters over his blushing as he feels the pregnant man lay back in his chest. Also accepting the sub's warmth, Prince couldn't control his blushing as he just got a scent of Michael's sweet smelling hair. He tries not to look down at the singer's head of jet black hair that's under his chin.

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