Prologue: ⛈ The Mistake [Rain & Thunder]

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A/N: Heyyy my loves! I've decided to update this 1 early for y'all!🤗😘💕 ssssssssooooo....! This 1st update is a shocker/shooketh~!💀 blame this Halloween season...! this just leads to how Michael got his ass pregnant in the first place!😶😅👏 so, this chapter miiight be kinda long due to Michael's 3rd POV, smutty flashbacks in between and to the present day of 1993... hope y'all like this 1st update my loves~! And p.s. these emojis will be a symbol for each chapter's plot feelings of the characters for the purpose of this book's title! My cool idea that I just made!😌💕



Date: Late July 1993
Location: in a private Hollywood hospital in L.A.
Time: late evening, night time.


Michael Jackson just sat there in an upper level of LA's hospital on a black leathered and silver metal waiting chair. The dancer was in silent shock as he was given the news about an hour ago from his check up with his doctor, that he was unknowingly... pregnant. He didn't know what to do. The first feeling that he'd felt now was that he was confused, mixed in a few moments ago as he thought of telling his parents this; he was scared.

He didn't want to go back to his parents house and straight up tell them he got himself pregnant. He didn't want to deal with his father's wrath at all to make his life even more terrible while in his trial of his child accusers allegations right now. During his appointment with his female doctor, he tried to ask her everything to get rid of this baby in him. He didn't want to kill a child but he had to and there's no choice of doing it to stay out of any trouble. The doctor couldn't fix this as she, to Michael, was useless to help him as his skin condition could still be a threat to his health for an abortion that had forfit his pregnancy unplanned. (Don't blame him on this for having disgusting skin, it was Fate's idea... Yeah, thanks Fate for this bullshit life...).

Michael now, was on the verge of tears as his mind had released a black and white flashback from his previous, unexpected one night stand just a half of a month ago. It was one of his top rival, Nelson's backup frontmen, that had surprisingly swooned the dancer with so much red wine in his system, to a lustful night. And, Michael has a very reason to be scared for his life right now. That memory, harshly flashed in his crossed tight eyelids had forced him to remember it.


Michael's flashback:

Identical light tanned skin on skin, creating smacking touches that filled the warm bedroom. The two men's heavy breathing and Michael's low, high moans and whispering, choked up begging for the older man to keep going for more. Their sweat glistening against their skin as they thrust rapidly so close on each other.

Michael, on the bottom, his stomach and chest pinned down with such dominance from the other man as he was being pounded from inside of behind him. Only the bottom half of his painfully pleasured face and half opened, wet peach lips were letting out his heavy hot breaths in their atmosphere. A large hand from the other older man from Michael's right shoulder, comes up from his cheek to slide his fingers against his sweaty neck that's exposed for touch as those fingers lift up Michael's chin and the man's thumb, hook inside the dancer's wet mouth. Earning multiple, struggling whines as Michael continues letting the older backup frontman pound him inside from behind.

End of Michael's 1st flashback *break*

Michael quickly opens his eyes back up with a shake of his head. He looks down at his still-thin stomach without giving it any touch as he takes a moment to try and throw away that dirty memory from that night. The dancer then closes his eyelids back down as he tries to think again of what he should do with this news. But, in such a speed, yet another unwanted memory flashed before his closed eyes again, taking him back to that night once more.

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