𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘆 𝗦𝗮𝗳𝗲, 𝗦𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀

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"Stiles!" The curly-headed brunette boy greets them at the door, giving Stiles a big hug. "I missed you, man! Where were you?"

"Doctors!" Willow says, greeting Boris with a hug just as he did with her brother. She looks back to see Scott standing in the back corner of the room, crossing his arms and glaring at Boris.

"Scott, nice to see you again." He walks up to him and wraps him lanky arms around Scott, who is unable to hug back, his arms still crossed.

"Hey..yeah." Scott finally moves his arms away from each other and sits down at the chair next to Stiles' wooden dorm desk.

Willow makes her way to Stiles' bed and sits down on it, nearly sitting on his feet. He is spread across his bed, clearly happy to lay on something other than a concrete floor for the first time in over a week. He is smiling at Scott, regardless of the sour expression on Scott's face whenever he looks over at Boris. Stiles props his head up and taps on Willow's forearm, motioning her to get closer to him. "I know why he's acting like this." He whispers, a small smile forming on his face.

"Why?" She looks at him and tilts her head curiously.

"You'll figure it out..." He pauses for a second to look at his best friend, and back at his sister. "He's acting a lot like me though. I was like that when I first met Boris too." His voice is now louder so Boris is able to hear and join in on the conversation.

"Oh yeah, Stiles hated me at first. Swore I was some sort of...what was it?" He looks across the room from his bed at Stiles who mouths a word at him. "yes, that's it. He thought I was a hunter...I wondered, 'why does this guy hate hunters so much?' Then, I realized, he's probably vegan. But no! He just has some weird vendetta against hunters."

"We have had some bad experiences with hunters." Scott chimes is, spinning around in the office chair.

"What, did they like - try to kill you or something?" He laughs.

"Actually, yes." Scott faces Boris and stares at him with complete honesty in his tone and face.

"Oh..." Boris stares at us, his eyes wide, and his mouth starting to drop open.

"Anyways!" Willow stands up from the bed and starts looking at the stuff in the room. "What do you guys plan on doing now that Stiles is back?"

"Well..." Boris gulps and looks away from Scott, "I plan on teaching him how to spar without beating the shit out of me."

Stiles laughs and sits up from his bed fully, his feet now hanging off of the edge of it. "I'm sorry, okay! I learned how to fight and actually make impact with the person in Beacon Hills. Not to fight and miss the face by an inch."

"Well, you'll learn eventually." Scott joins in, standing up to grab a water out of the mini fridge on Stiles' side of the room.

"Yeah, yeah...oh hey Scott! Boris needs help with something with his phone. I recommended duct tape and that didn't work so I thought you could help. Something with the battery glitching out."

Scott nods his head and walks over to Boris, standing over the boy for a moment before reluctantly sitting on his bed.

Willow makes her way back to Stiles, who is fidgeting with his fingers. "Do you think they will go after me again?" He whispers.

"No, now that they don't have a leader, they're gonna have to take some time finding a new one and figuring stuff out. I'm sure you are the least of their worries right now." She whispers back, smiling at him.

"Okay, but I better not get kidnapped again. Then i'll get seriously pissed."

"Yeah! I would too." Willow laughs before pulling Scott's phone out of her pocket and looking at the time. "It's late...Scott and I should get going soon."

"Yeah, if we want to be back in Beacon Hill before people start searching for us, we need to leave now, actually." Scott says, nodding at Boris who is thanking him for fixing his phone.

Stiles and Scott start walking out of the room and Willow follows, closing the door behind them.

"You know, I really missed this." Stiles says, smiling at his two best friends.

"Missed what?" Scott asks.

"Us...you two." He responds, pointing at Willow and Scott, who have once again become inseparable while looking for Stiles.

"Oh, yeah. I missed it too." Scott smiles at Willow, a genuine one, unforced.

"Me too." She says, looking at the beautiful boy in front of her, one that she hasn't seen in this light since before their fight. The boy that she used to be in love with. The boy that she is and always has been in love with. The one who never reciprocated.

She is knocked out of her trance when the door clicks open and Boris looks at them through the crack. "Hey, before you guys leave - Willow, could I talk to you?"

"Yeah, just one second." She fabricates a smile and turns back towards Stiles.

"He likes you!" Stiles teases, laughing at his sister.

"Shut up, he does not!" She hits her brother on the shoulder with the back of her hand. "I will be right back."

Willow walks into the room and sits down on Boris' bed, next to his warm body - a flashback to a few nights before. Though this night, she isn't temped to lay her body next to his for warmth.

"I was wondering if I could get your number? We could go on a few dates? I know I'm far away in the academy but once i'm out...I live not too far from Beacon Hills. Two hours drive - tops?" He is barely making eye contact with her while picking at his nails.

"Sorry...I have a boyfriend - or - no, no I don't but I'm kinda in love with someone else." She responds, not expecting the words that come out.

"Oh. I didn't know that." He says, standing up from the bed, ready to lead her out of the room and say his farewells.

"Neither did I." She responds, following his actions and walking out of the door.

Stiles walks into the room, leaving Willow and Scott alone once again, standing outside of the room. "Bye guys, love you."

"Bye! Love you too."

"Stay safe, Stiles."



A/N: Ah! only two chapters left! I know this is a fairly short fic but I still am having so much fun writing it. Though, I also can't wait to finish it so I can then have some time to focus on my other ones, along with my upcoming Isaac fic. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, though it was very anticlimactic (other than Willow realizing she is still in love with Scott lol). Also this is the last we will see of Boris, so farewell Boris Datsyuk! You were short lived but I loved your character. Sweet Ukrainian FBI student lol.



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