𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝘀𝘆𝘂𝗸

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Benjamin WadsworthAsBoris Datsyuk

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Benjamin Wadsworth
Boris Datsyuk



Roscoe has now become Scott and Willow's home, as they wake up in it the next morning after sleeping on the leather seats once again. That is the one thing she will always despise about this jeep - the leather. Especially on hot days, when every piece of skin that isn't covered by clothing decided to stick to the seats, and painfully rip off when you move.

Willow looks over to Scott, who is already awake, studying the map while chewing on a cereal bar. After hearing her shifting, he turns his head her way and forces a smile. "Since you whined so much yesterday, I was thinking I could look through the tunnels by myself. You can hang out in Stiles' dorm."

Though she wanted to help Scott find her brother, her body was desperately begging for a break. She hadn't eaten a proper meal in days, and wouldn't mind laying down in Stiles' bed for a little, even if it's an uncomfortable dorm one.

"Yeah...yeah that sounds good."

"Okay, cool." He props up his chair before starting the car and pulling out of the random parking lot they slept in.

At this point, she's surprised they haven't gotten approached by the cops yet, as sleeping in a parking lot usually brings their attention.

Silently, she watches as Scott taps his fingers along to the music against the steering wheel. Music has been quite the savior in the times of horrible silence. Even though her and Scott had stopped their fighting, there was still no such thing as comfortable silence between them. If there wasn't something to talk about, Willow went on to anxiously pick at her fingers, while Scott would (not so secretly) listen to her heartbeat. She doesn't know why he does this, but sometimes she thinks he does it so the sound of his own heart wont drive him insane.

"We're here." His voice came out hoarse, and the normal volume sounded deafening to Willow. "I will be back in a few hours. Without you I can search more tunnels in less time...not in a mean way though." He corrects himself after seeing the glare she shoots his way.

"Alright, see you in a bit. I can figure out how to get into his dorm. I will just pull a Lydia and scream bloody murder if I need you, yeah?"

"Or...you could just call me. But yeah that works." He rolls up the window before putting the car in reverse and backing out of the FBI academy parking lot, leaving her alone.

She starts walking back into the building that she despises so dearly after visiting it only once. The cold interior greets her once again, along with the man at the front desk. "Hello! I don't forget a face, so I figure you are here to visit.." He looks down at the sign up sheet and scans his finger along it, "Stilinski?"

"That's him!"

The man gives her a nod of approval while pointing towards the dorms. She goes the same way her and Scott went when they visited, and finds herself in front of the same door, this time paying attention to both names on it. Datsyuk and Stilinski.

"Shit!" She whispers to herself, "I forgot about Boris. Hopefully he isn't bothered by my presence."

She knocks on the door and waits about thirty seconds before it flies open, the smiling brunette boy greeting her once again. "Willow! I was wondering if I'd see you again before you guys left. Where's your friend?" He opens the door fully, welcoming her in.

"Oh, he's gonna be shopping for a few hours. We've never been to Virginia for this long so he is getting as many Virginia sweatshirts as he possibly can." She walks towards Stiles' bed and throws herself on top of it.

"That's actually, um, my bed." Boris is standing over her, awkwardly smiling.

"Oh! I'm so sorry I will just move-" She starts pushing her body up and off of the bed, her face turning red over the fact that she just threw herself onto a hot guys bed.

"No It's fine, you can stay...as long as you don't mind me lying besides you. My back is killing from the training they've been putting us through."

She nods her head before laying back down and pushing her body as close to the wall as she can so that he has room to lie down next to her. She feels his body heat against hers as the side of his torso rests besides her hip.

"So, how are you?" She says, holding back a laugh at the fact that she barely met this boy and is already laying in a bed with him.

"Tired. You?"

"Tired...hey, how'd you get that cut on your nose?"

"Your brother."

She turns her head towards him and furrows her brows, wanting to hear how exactly her brother seemingly hurt him.

"Let's just say you do not want to be paired with him for sparring. He has no mercy."

She begins to laugh at the idea of Stiles, out of all people, being the one that people wouldn't want to be paired up with. Boris mirrors her, and begins to laugh as well, nearly hitting his forehead against hers.

She gasps in a breath of air after emptying her lungs from laughing. "This is nice. I haven't had a friend to hang out with for a long time."

"I don't see how, you're pretty cool." He pushes the hair away from her eyes and smiles at her.

Touch starved and lonely, she moves her body closer to his and sets her head against his chest. She feels him take a deep breath, before placing his arms around her. The feeling of someone embracing her was one she craved so deeply, and she knew this because of what happened during her half-drunk sob session when she was with Scott.



She feels her body jump awake when the door is opened, and she looks up to see Scott, standing at the doorframe. Boris slowly sits up, his arms still around Willow's body, and removes one hand to wave at Scott. She pushed herself off of the bed and walks over to him.

"Seems like you had fun."

"We just slept. You find anything?"

"No. Can we go now?" He looks over to the smiling boy sitting on the bed, and turns around, walking to the exit of the building without waiting for her answer.

"I have to get going, but I will see you again. Next time I will bring Stiles along with me, okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice."

She walks back over to him and places a kiss on his cheek, before walking out the the room, closing the door behind her. She jogs over to Scott, who is almost to the door that leads to the outside of the building.

"I don't trust him."

"Come on! Why don't you trust him? He's harmless and cute. Like a puppy." She has finally caught up to him, and is matching his pace towards the car.

"I don't like him. I don't know! I just don't trust him." He throws open the car door and jumps in, slamming it after him.

"You're sounding a lot like Stiles right now."



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