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"It smells like shit in here." Willow kicks a chunk of what she can only hope is mud off of her left shoe. Granted, sewers are going to smell bad, but she didn't expect this. Thank god she isn't a werewolf with heightened senses.

"Here, put this over your face instead." Scott tosses her the shirt that he took from Stiles laundry bin when they went to his room.

She covers her nose with the shirt and breathes in, before having to hold back a gag. "Oh my god that's even worse."

Scott begins to laugh, while reaching out his hand to catch the shirt that she is now throwing back at him. "I know, I just wanted to see how long it'd take you to realize. But imagine how I feel. I have to catch his scent by sniffing his dirty laundry for reference."

She shakes her head in agreement, "hmm, yeah, you're right. That's way worse than having to smell the literal shit in here."

No matter how hard she tries, there is no avoiding sinking her whole foot into the ankle deep sewage water that they are walking through. The suction sound that her foot makes when pulling out of the thick sludge is nothing short of nauseating. At this point, the only thing she hasn't gotten used to though is the smell, as this is the seventh sewage system they have walked in today. She was extremely hungry, and it didn't help that the smell of the first sewer made her spew her lunch.

"How many more do we need to go through? I'm starving." Once again, she kicks her foot in an attempt to get a 'muddy' chunk off, resulting in some of it flying at Scott's face.

He slowly wipes two fingers across his face before flicking his hand to get it off. "Absolutely disgusting." Willow tries her best to hold back a laugh, pursing her lips at his reaction. "And this will be our last one of the day. Remind me that I need to hose off before getting in my car."

They continue aimlessly walking around the sewers, not too worried about getting lost, as Scott was capable of finding the way back. They have been going at this for about 9 hours, only stopping in between for pee breaks.

Though her stomach was raw, and her new shoes were no longer white, Willow didn't care. As long as it meant they were making an effort to find her brother.

After getting to the end, Scott turns around. "He isn't here."

Willow sighs, and reluctantly turns her body around, really hoping this was the one. Her head hung down, staring at the disgusting sewer floor while walking back to the opening. During her sulking, she saw a rat run at her ankles.

As anyone would do in this situation, she ran to Scott and nearly jumped in his arms to get away from the rat. She hides her face in his shoulder, hoping if she can't see the rat, it can't see her. Clearly her logic has some holes in it, but no one wants to get rabies. She feels Scott pick her up and put her body against the side of him. Her head removes itself from his shoulder to see his leg pull back and practically punt the rat. So he moved me out of the way so he could kick a rat, she thought, kinda funny.

"Someone needed their prince charming to save them from a rat?" Scott teases.

"Hey! Remember our agreement."

"We never said I couldn't still pick on you. You said no fighting but didn't mention picking on each other." He says, stepping in front of her to start walking again.

"You're right..." She responds, choosing her next words for a second. "In that case, you smell like ass." Willow smiles, proud of her lame comeback.

"That is because you flung literal shit on my face. And did you find that out while hiding your face against my chiseled body?" He puts his hands in front of him and jokingly moves them down his body to show off his figure.

"Chiseled, where?" She looks around at everything but Scott, trying to emphasize that he wasn't all that.

"Lies! I heard your heart speed up when you said that." Scott points his fingers at her accusingly and laughs.

Caught me.

Instead of responding, Willow just rolls her eyes at him and turns away. She isn't going to embarrass herself twice in a row by having him catch her in another lie. Scott is gorgeous, she knows it, and has known it since freshman year. Then again, if she asked him to answer honestly about whether he finds her attractive or not, she would catch him nervously cracking his knuckles after saying 'no'.

"So how many more do we have to go through?" She looks over to Scott, who has pulled the map out of his pocket and started crossing out the one that they were leaving.

"Fourteen. If we get the same amount done as today, we will either find the spot tomorrow or the day after." He hands the map to her and starts climbing up the ladder that they went down to get into the sewer.

Willow follows, wiping her hands on Scott's pant-leg to get the grime off of them.


"Sorry! Your pants are already dirty."

"You don't need to add onto it!" Scott responds loudly, his body almost fully out of the manhole.

While climbing, Willow's thoughts are elsewhere, still thinking about the lie that Scott caught her in.

It's something she doesn't like to think about, but often catches herself thinking about anyways. Her and Scott had feelings for each other, everyone knew it, even them. Those feelings got tossed into the trash the day that the fight happened. Willow always used to tell herself that if someone's personality is ugly, so are they. But that wasn't the case with Scott.

Even when he treated her like shit, he was still the most beautiful person she'd ever seen.



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