𝗖𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘁

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Willow pushes herself against the leather seat and positions her body in a way where she is facing Scott. Though her body is turned towards him, her eyes refuse to make their way towards his.

"So?" He moves his head down at an angle to look her in the eyes, only causing her to push them even further down, now looking at her pant-legs.

"He was a hunter." She has to choke down a gulp, forcing herself to continue. "He was young. Younger than us. I think that he might have been the same age as Liam...maybe even younger. He was a little kid." She blinks her eyes a few times, unsuccessfully trying to stop the tears that are on their way.

Scott doesn't say anything, instead he just sits in his seat, silent. She knows that he is staring at her, she can feel it.

"He um...he thought I was a werewolf because I was helping you guys fight them. He forgot to test me. If he had, he'd have known that I'm not." She starts picking at her fingers, pulling the skin away from her cuticles. "It was late out. I was staying late at the clinic, Deaton needed a volunteer to help clean up since you guys were busy fighting the hunters. I thought since you guys were fighting them, they wouldn't bother going after me."

Willow grabs her water and goes to take a sip of it, as her mouth feels dry from the salty tears falling into it. She shakily brings the water up to her face, nearly spilling some of it. Scott grabs onto her hand and leads the water up to her mouth before letting go so it doesn't spill. "Take a breath, Willow."

"Okay.." She tries to take a deep breath, but it comes out wavy, as her chest is shaking just as much as her hand is. "I was alone...at the clinic. I heard a noise where the cats are, and I thought maybe one of them got out or something. when I opened the door, I was met with a boy pushing a gun up to my head. I kept telling him 'please don't hurt me' and 'I'm not a werewolf' but he didn't believe me. He didn't believe me." She repeats herself, now choking on all of her words from the cries. Her head raises up to Scott's eye level and she knows he can see her puffy eyes under the hair covering her face.

"So...so I hit the gun out of his hand. Like Perrish taught me. I picked it up off of the ground and held it in front of me... Now he was the one on the end of the barrel. I knew he was gonna kill me. He was gonna do it, no doubt in my mind... So I held up the gun..." She covers her mouth with her hand and begins to forcefully sobbing, her whole body convulsing. Thirty seconds of wailing passed, until she could no longer breathe, and had to let go of her face to gasp in some air.

"I held up the gun...closed my eyes...and shot."

She finally makes eye contact with Scott, who has terror and anguish plastered across his face.

"I didn't wanna do it, Scott!" She grabs onto his wrists and shakes them, "I really didn't!"

"Every time I try to sleep, I see his face before I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. He was a little kid! He looked like a scared little kid, Scott, because he was one! I killed, someone no older than sixteen. But he was gonna kill me! It was me or him." She is now yelling, nearly making Scott cover his ears.

He silently stares at her, before pulling her in and wrapping his arms around her. Much like her hangover, Willow cries into Scott's neck, dampening his collar. The difference this time, is he doesn't mind, and instead of getting disgusted, her squeezes her tighter. Though he is holder her as tightly as he can, she feels as if she can finally breathe, even through the sobs.

"I know it'll never be the same...but can we please be friends again?" He lips are close to her ear, and his words come out in a hushed whisper. "I've missed you."

"I'd want nothing more." Though she was able to stop the tears, she didn't let go of Scott, her head still buried in his neck.



A/N: I know this chapter is short, but I wanted you guys to see the kill that ultimately ruined the friendship, and brought it back together.

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