Chapter XXV

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Zeke's POV:
I was positively sick of seeing my family. Not only was Gemma's sweet sister-in-law a hovering mother hen, but Mom, Dad, and Darien were as bad or worse, even bringing dinner in. I couldn't get a moment alone with my mate. She knew it too.

Unlike me, Gemma had the skill of naturally humoring annoying people and was taking the company and care with no more protest than a comment about everyone coddling her. I should be coddling her alone right now. Still, she sat there, giving me little "patience is a virtue" type looks. All. Day. Long.

"Hey, everybody. Gemma should probably get some actual rest before tomorrow, and it's almost nine," I finally said.

"Nine o'clock. So late, Zeke." I looked back towards the bed. Great, now Gemma was amused with me. "Way past the bedtime I totally didn't drop years ago." My brother snickered. "What Zeke is failing to say is that he'd like some private time."

"Thank you, Gemma. No need to point out the obvious."

My mother leaned down to hug her for the bajillionth time that day. "Don't stress yourself tonight, dear. Tomorrow's a big day."

"I'll be careful," she promised, once again returning Mom's embrace. "Easy night. Promise."

"I'm going to get Selene all tucked in," I told Gemma. "I'll be right back."


With a story and a kiss I managed to get Selene under her own covers tonight. "I know you love Gemma, but tonight you are absolutely staying in your bed, you hear me?"

"Yes sir."

"I'm going to be keeping an eye on Gemma tonight, so don't worry. If anything's wrong you can still come and find me, okay? Only if something is wrong."

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Love you, sweetheart."

"Love you too."

I was slightly startled to find Sienna just outside the bedroom door. "Sorry. I just wanted to give you something before Zander and I headed home. It's for Gemma."

"Then why give it to me?" She held out what was very clearly a ring box. "Oh. I appreciate that, but I'm perfectly capable of picking out a ring myself."

"It was their mother's ring. Maya left it for Gemma in her will at first, then decided shortly after that she would pass it on to Gemma's mate. Her first wedding bands. She would have likely had an anniversary replacement set by now. There still in good shape and the sentiment...Well, I'm sure you'd understand how important it is to follow Maya's wishes, even if Zander is the only one of them who actually knows."

I opened the box to find a stunning wedding set. The center ring had a princess cut diamond cradled by twisted vines of silver that wrapped all the way around to the bottom of the ring. On either side of the band were identical waves of black diamond, meant to fit around the center stone.

"Simple, yet stunning. Lucas Hart had good taste. Thank you, Sienna. I apologize for jumping to conclusions. She'll be wearing this tomorrow. Have a good night."

I started to turn away. "Zeke, wait."


"Don't give them to her tonight. Have you actually proposed yet? Formally, I mean. Did you just say, 'Hey, we're mates. Let's get married' or did you actually get around to the whole fancy bit?"

"Fancy bit?"

"You know, a romantic whatever, kneeling to propose."

"Good lord, Sienna."

"I'm just saying—and don't judge me too fast—if you haven't, it would really be something to alter the announcement. Propose there after the victors acknowledgements."

"Good lord," I repeated. "She told me you were a hopeless romantic, but this is a whole new level."

"Just think on it. Goodnight."


I crossed the hallway, hiding the ring box in my nightstand before heading back to Gemma's room. "You took a while."

"Well, Selene picked a long book and then I had to review something real quick," I lied. "Glad to hear you missed me so much."

"Well, you've been so antsy, getting everyone out of here. I thought—" I slipped back into the bed, cutting her off with a kiss. "That was nice."

"Oh? Can I do it again?"

"Yes." Still cautious of her bandaging, I took advantage of our alone time as she so easily handed me the reins. "Why do you have to wait for the wedding to mark me?" she groaned.

I laughed. "Gemma, just a few days ago you told me your wolf forced you to come to that clearing and now your pushing all of this? Stereotypically, that's my job. You know, the possessive pain I am."

"Oh, I've already seen a few signs. Like every training session you've been around."

"Point well made, Miss Hart. Those wolves were awfully close."

"We were fighting one-on-one, Zeke."

I didn't care how grumpy I looked at that. "If you're in such a hurry we could run off to Vegas and elope. If my mother kills me for it it's considered regicide, so..."

"Zeke, don't even joke," she admonished me, looking genuinely appalled. "Besides, according to your mother, she's already covered just about everything but the dinner, cake, and my dress."

"She thinks she has," I grumbled. "It's still our wedding."

"I have no clue how to plan a wedding," she said, rolling her eyes. "Will it cause too much pain if I asked about your first?"

My mood dimmed, though not just in sorrow. "Gemma, I will never compare you to Sam. You are two different women who I fell for in different times and ways. You will never be less than her if that's your fear."

"I was just curious Zeke. I'm not worried about your love and loyalties. What was it like?"

"The ceremony or her?"

She shrugged. "Just everything."

I sighed, pulling her as close as I could without hurting her. "It was wonderful. It was the day I was marrying my true match. Or first at least," I said, pecking her nose. "She was from a distant pack, so our two banners and colors were hung over the alter, spread through the reception area, just as yours and mine will be. There was a full orchestra because yes, my mother assisted in planning that one as well and she's way too extra.

"There was a professionally decorated cake, suited to Sam's liking mostly. We had our first dance. The bouquet toss. It was a wedding brought to a royal level, Gemma. What more do you want to hear?"

"What about the dress and tuxedo?"

"Black tux and rose boutonnière. Sam was a bit more interested in the fancy things than you. Her dress wasn't loud, per se, but between the two of us she was certainly the one drawing eyes that day. We said our vows, exchanged rings, and I marked her. All in all, royal weddings are something you don't forget, Gemma. You'll be just as unforgettable." She blushed, making me grin and kiss her again. "You're adorable when you blush."

She scowled. "Come on. Let's turn the lights out. Tomorrow really is a big day. Talk about an afterparty."

And a public proposal to plan. Yes, for Gemma I'd go through with this. Sienna Hart, I curse and thank you, both.

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