Chapter XXI

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Gemma's POV:
Considering The Lotus Trials had been an annual event for nearly a century was likely an appropriate reason to have such a massive stadium constructed for the final trial. It seated more people than I could begin to guess, opening to a cloudless mid-afternoon sky.

I didn't look to the top box. Instead I focused on the man to my right. "You ready, Gem?"

"Yes, Darien. There's nothing to worry about."

"Well, nearly knocked out by the riddle-creature, nearly killed by my family's most true warrior, not to mention the few near death experiences on that obstacle course—"

"Alright, Darien. Stop with all of the nears. I got the message. I'll watch my back. Let me remind you, Prince, you're a pretty big target yourself."

We both fell silent as Zeke's voice boomed through the speakers. "Welcome, competitors, friends, and family. Today the twelve remaining competitors will face the final challenge, a one-on-one fight with the strongest of Lotus' warriors. Those who place will be recognized and earn the respect of my pack and your own. Those who don't will be sent home without it. Fight as in your human mind or your wolf's. There will be no deaths today. The first crippling injury is trial three's surrender point. Best of luck. Competitors for round one, step into the ring and shift."

The first competitor was a male wolf, about my age if I had to guess. The grey-coated wolf was built broad and stood roughly a foot taller than me if my angle gave me an accurate reading. The electric anti-interference shield went up In a crackle of gold before fading from sight, only opening when the next competitors arrived. He did well, the first runner the first to succeed. Agility could indeed be key. Despite being larger than me he was only a hair slower than my usual speed. The Lotus wolf had been all brute force.

The next two wolves fell quickly. One male, one female, they both preferred defensive maneuvers and it was their downfall. Balance. I watched every fight carefully, picking out weak spots in the textbook Lotus training and checking the mistakes of the competitors before me. It was a benefit of being competitor number twelve, I suppose.

"Competitors for eleven." Five had passed. Would Darien and I make six and seven? I could already imagine Zeke critiquing us after the trials.

"Hey," I called. He quirked an eyebrow. "Don't give Zeke a reason to give you hell later."

He chuckled. "Don't plan to. Same to you, sweetheart."

He jogged into the ring, shifting and shaking out the change. It seemed as if the wolf he was facing forgot he was fighting his prince. Every movement was tactical. He fought by the book, nothing dirty about it. And Darien was leading him on. The fight was his and he knew it, but he was having too much fun. What was Zeke thinking, pairing them? A little over five minutes in he went for the ending blow, making way for the last competitor.

"Competitors for round twelve, step into the ring."

I did, shifting and waiting for my opponent. The electric dome snapped shut, blocking out the murmuring from outside and leaving me in a hair-raising silence. I let my wolf to the front of my mind.

"I sense twelve," Raya told me. "Give me the reins?"

"No killing. And I'm watching you."

I had no doubt I looked like a total fool, snarling at air. Until the first body fell, his invisibility wearing off as Raya injured him. I didn't try to see the crowd's reaction.

She left shallow cuts in the logical places for each wolf, one by one revealing them to the eyes in the stadium. Shoulder here, neck there, underbelly on the next, back to the neck. All got a solid blow to knock them out. Only when the sixth wolf fell did I realize she was starting to lean on the enhancements. I also realized it was likely the only way we would stay alive.

She zipped around the ring, one attack after the next until the ring was littered with twelve unconscious wolves, now shifting back to their human form.

The shield fell and I was in full control again, surrounded by pack medics and warriors. It was only when a pack doctor, Dr. Greene, I believe, had me laying down that I realized I was covered in gashes from teeth and claws.

"You're Highness," she said. Had Darien come back over? "She was running on adrenaline alone. By some miracle her attackers are all alive."

"She was following the trial rules," Darien said.

"All of them belong to Lotus," I heard a new voice growl. "All true and loyal to the king. What is it about this girl that has our warriors turning to kill her? She's an acquaintance to the king. What order stands higher than his?"

Before I could hear an answer I was going under.
Zander's POV:
She passed the trial. She passed the trial and it might not even matter. I slammed my fist down on the wood in front of me. "Twelve wolves. My little sister just faced twelve invisible wolves alone and is halfway dead for it."

They'd cut the feed the second they realized how serious the situation was. They wouldn't have a wolf in her condition broadcasted for the world to see. That much was respectable, but for me to be hours away from the capital, in the dark about her being dead or alive was stressful. Painful, even.

I was pacing, not caring who saw me like this. There wasn't a soul in this pack who hadn't called Gemma a friend. And every single one of us had watched the third trial. "Kyle, I need—"

"Go. I'll help Sienna with everything here."

"If either of you think I'm standing around here after what I just saw then you're both idiots," my mate snapped. And that was that. "Come on. Austin's a ways out."

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