Chapter XVIII

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Gemma's POV:
The next morning I nearly went into a forced shift. My wolf had never fought me so hard on anything. After a very stern scolding towards her I found the courage to pick up the phone and click on Zander's contact.

He picked up immediately. "Gemma?"

"I know what happened to Mom and Dad." There was a long pause. Not unexpected of course. How would I react if our roles were reversed? "Zander?"

"H-how did you discover what happened from Lotus?"

"My suspicions were right. They were on an assignment for the king. The last king. Thomas told me—"

"Thomas? As in Thomas Winters? Jeez, Gemma. Plenty of people have questions about you and the current king. Are you on a first name basis with all of the royals now?"

"Yes, actually." I had to suppress a smile at the little sound of disbelief on the other end of the line. The current subject sobered me immediately. "I'm teaching Zeke's daughter how to control her pack gift. She's an empath. It's gotten me into a couple family dinners. One included story time afterwards. Mom and Dad were killed by a dark coven. Lotus wiped the magic signature before sending their bodies over to avoid mass panic both here and there, but the witch or warlock wasn't registered. The coven was wiped out with part of the pack they were protecting.  The killer is probably dead.

"Zander, I believe him. He's told me such intimate stories about Mom and Dad. Times they never talked about. I was born here in Lotus. I know he wouldn't lie about their deaths. Not when knowing the truth is so important to me."

He blew out a long breath. "I got the news Black Rose was wiped out a few months after the funeral," he told me. "I didn't realize it was connected or I would have told you. Rumor was they were planning a coup on Lotus. I didn't know there was magic involved."

"That's what Thomas said." I hesitated. "Zander, there's something else."


"Know now, I'm not coming home."

"I know, Gem. What I did at the ball was more than wrong."

"I was attacked during my second trial. I need to know if you have any connections."

"You were what?!"

Tread carefully, my wolf warned me. This is were he'll get volatile.

He's not a bomb, I growled back mentally.

No, just a meddlesome, high-strung alpha.

"Do you know anyone named Rick Blackwell?"

"No." His voice was tight. "Can't say I do. Gemma, how bad?"

"I brought my arm up. Lost a little blood, but one of the pack doctors stitched me up and sent me on my way. It's been nearly a week. I'm fine."

"Alright. Be careful, Gem." We sat in silence for a moment. "Can you forgive me?" he finally asked. "Please, Gemma, I know I took things to an extreme."

"You did. Honestly if it weren't for everything I just told you we wouldn't be talking right now. But you're still my brother. We'll be okay." Zander and I weren't like normal siblings, constantly bickering and all that. When we lost Mom and Dad he stepped up. If he was on that trip... I'd be a shell of a girl without his guardianship. Knowing that, we would be okay. I sighed. "Zander, is Sienna with you? I need to talk to her about something else." If anyone could help me figure out my heart and head it would be her.

"She's with her parents for the next few days. If you call her I'm sure she'll answer. You are coming home, right? Be careful in trial three, Gemma. Please."

"I'll be fine. There's a shield up, no in or out."

"I know. I remember. I'll try to do a little more thinking on that name. Talk to Sienna, then get some training done. Once you're home we'll see what position you can take up." I didn't quite know how to react to that. "You're coming home, right?"

"I—I've got to go, Zander."

I ended the call, not exactly sure if I felt guilty for it. He didn't try to call back. Shaking my head, I tapped on Sienna's number. "Gemma!" she squealed the second we connected. "Oh, I was trying to give you some space. I'm so glad you called. How are you?"

"I'm alright. Sort of."

"What's going on?"

"You're alone, right?"

"Yes." There was a pause. "Gemma, you're worrying me."

"Don't be. I just don't know how to approach something you have some experience with."


"I... What does a mating bond feel like?" She laughed. Cackled, actually. Just what was so funny I didn't understand. "I'm glad someone's amused by this."

"Okay. Okay, I'm sorry. You think you found your mate?"

"Yes. No."

"Okay, tell me what happened."

So I did, from the nightly runs to the pathetic breakdown and that kiss. His insistence of my belief in a myth. His terms for the next reasonable meeting. My wolf's bad behavior. "Is it possible?" I asked, hope creeping in.

"Just think about how much you want to be there. If you want to give it a shot, then go. If you really truly believe this is impossible then don't. Just don't torture yourself with skepticism, okay?"

I nodded, of course feeling like an idiot for the silent response. "Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, Si. I should get to training. I'll let you do whatever now. Love you."

"Take care, Gem."

I huffed, tossing my phone on the bed. "So much help, dear sister."

I went down to the training grounds. I could work this off. Maybe. I cursed. I was letting a guy get in my head without even know how deep our connection goes. With every touch... I scowled, heading for the only free ring.

The first person I recognized near it was Josh. "Hey, Gemma. Up for a round or two?"

"Don't go easy on me."

"Of course not. Let's shift." So without another thought of prophecies, killers, and my torn heart I shifted, shook out my fur, and charged.

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