Chapter XXII

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Zeke's POV:
I had ordered Dr. Greene to monitor Gemma from a spare room in the family wing. She seemed heal quickly enough that she didn't actually need a hospital setting and there was no such thing as privacy in there or around her own room. She wouldn't want people making a fuss. She wouldn't want my family making a fuss, but there was no way to keep them out.

After nearly an hour of work the doctor finally spoke. "Your Majesty, considering all you've insisted on, I have to ask..."


"Am I currently treating my next queen?"


She smiled. "Then I pray she recovers quickly. She's a fast healer, but she'll need rest. Make sure she isn't pushing herself on anything. Easy training for a few days." Oh, I was planning on doing every bit of that already.

She stood, grabbing her bag. "Thank you, Dr. Greene. Don't feed any whispers. I'll be making a formal announcement soon enough."

"Confidentiality is a doctor's specialty." She stood, grabbing her bags. "Oh, and congratulations."

"Thank you."

She shut the door behind her. Plenty of people had guessed at what Gemma and I were. Just as many had told them that I had arranged other female instructors for Selene outside of her classes in the pack school. I didn't care who guessed what at this point. I just needed her.

"You can't interfere with the trials, Zeke."  I jumped slightly, not realizing my mother had entered the room. "Even if you could she would never forgive you for interfering. She's doing this—refusing elimination—in her father's memory."

"Elimination is better than loss of life. Killing herself won't prove anything to a dead man."

"Think of it this way, Ezekiel. You're mate is a woman capable of fighting twelve fully grown wolves, surviving, and showing mercy."

"I wish she hadn't. I wish she'd torn their throats out." The displeasure on her face was obvious. "I mean it." But I knew there was no chance of that. Her parents had been murdered. No matter what intention those wolves had towards her, if she were to ever end a life she'd hate herself for it.

"Then maybe you should take a closer look. It will be good for you, having a gentle soul as your queen."

I nodded, knowing that was just what I wanted and needed. Still in those long minutes all I felt was terror and anger. What if she hadn't had enhancements to help her? What if she refused to give her wolf control? "Do you mind staying a minute? I need to grab a few things."

"Maybe your daughter?"

I sighed. "I left her with you and Dad for a reason."

"It was one thing to hide the second trial attack from her. This is another story, Zeke. It was a serious fight. This is going to leave scars she'll ask about. Do Gemma a favor and don't keep Selene in the dark until she wakes up. She won't be up for questions as quickly as your child will ask them."

I nearly growled as I looked over the bandaging her loose clothing exposed. A wolf's injuries transfer to a human if they're serious enough. Gemma was going to have permanent scarring from this. Selene would indeed be curious. "Tomorrow I'll bring her in to see Gemma. Right now I'm going to put her to bed and bring some paperwork back here. Do you mind staying for a bit? Please?"

"Of course I will, though I doubt she's waking up anytime today with those meds."

I nodded again. "Thanks, Mom. I'll be back in a bit." I headed down the hall, quickly intercepted by my beta. "What's going on?"

"Zander Hart sent a call through. I gave him my number ages ago for something. I know you've got some issues with the guy, but—"

"As of now he and his sister are on speaking terms. When will he be here? I'll handle it."

"Around nine, I'd say."

I can get Selene fed and down to bed before then. "Thanks." I turned the corner, heading into my section of the pack house, smelling food already cooking. "Hey, Dad. Thanks for starting all this. I got it now."

"If you're sure."


He nodded. "I was talking to Ava, earlier."

"As in, one of the pack sitters?" Ava was an older teen who watched Selene quite often if my own family couldn't. Her mother did a lot to keep things running smoothly for me so the family was fairly close.

"Yeah. Selene begged her to watch the broadcast today. Ava didn't see any harm in letting her. She hasn't said much tonight."

There shouldn't have been any harm. I walked into the small living room, crouching down beside the couch. "Hey, sweetheart."

"Is Gemma okay?"

"Well, the doctor told me she'll be okay. Dr. Greene gave her some medicine so she's sleeping now. She might be for a few days."

"Is she hurting?"

"No, baby. The medicine helps with that too." I scooped her off of the couch, kissing her forehead. "Come on. I think Grandpa made you dinner. It looks like we're having fish and rice and veggies tonight."

"I'm not hungry."

"Try to eat a little for me. I don't want you feeling sick in the morning, okay?"

Setting down her plate and fork my father excused himself, leaving me to cook my fish. "When can I see Gemma?" she asked, cutting into her filet.

"Tomorrow you'll have your breakfast and then we'll go see her." She was quiet the rest of the night and ate slowly enough that I heated my dinner to scarf down before her shower. She was usually a good eater. I didn't bother asking her to finish her plate tonight. "Come on, sweetheart. Bath time."

She remained silent and it might have just been more heartbreaking than her reaction to Gemma saying she was leaving. I stopped her outside of the bathroom. "Hey. Look at me." Her soft eyes were watering again. "She's going to be fine, angel. Dr. Greene has done everything she possibly can. Trust me." Bathed, dressed, and with teeth all brushed I put her down to bed with a story. "Good night, angel. Uncle Darien's gonna be here if you need anything, alright?"


I shut the door. "Now, to deal with the future in-laws."

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