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George's Pov:

I wake up with Dream's arms wrapped around me and our legs tangled up. I slowly pulled away from him and looked up at the clock to see what time it was. 6pm.

I decide to go to the garden and try and sort out my feelings for Dream there. 

I put on Dream's hoodie and wrote a note that said, "At the garden. Come down there if you need me. Love, George." I start walking down the hallways and into the garden.

I sit there and a thought flickers across my mind. 

"You're in love with Clay."

"I'm in love with Clay." I whisper. 

My heat starts beating and my face starts heating up. "I'm in love with Clay." I say louder.

I get up and start giggling and dancing. I finally feel at peace with myself after a while of just feeling confused.

I hear a branch snap in the bushes and look over and see someone walk out.

It's Tommy. 

Tommy's Pov.

As I am climbing up Dream's castle to the wall and into Dream's bedroom window, I contemplate wether or not I should carry out my plan. 

I decided I should do it. I am already this close.

I get to the window and slowly open it up. Luckily, he left it unlocked. Idiot. 

I see Dream cuddling with George and realize what's going on. They like each other.

I climb into the room and sneak over to where he hides the dagger. on the bedside table beside where he sleeps.

I opened the drawer and got the dagger out. I hold it in my hand and admire the shininess. It is a beautiful dagger. 

I hear some moving around, so I duck behind the dresser.

I see George get up and put on a hoodie. He walks over to the other dresser and writes something down on a piece of paper and leaves the room. 

I wait for a minute to see if he comes back and he doesn't. So I get up and walk over to the note. It says, "At the garden. Come down there if you need me. Love, George."

I knew exactly where the garden was because Dream told me about it when he built it. I walked down the hallway and into the garden, and I heard George saying something about how much he loved Clay.

I sneak into a bush and wait for him to get up so I can jump out at him.

Sure enough, I saw him getting up and dancing. That's when I jump out of the bush.

Dream's Pov:

I wake up and notice something is missing. I pat around the bed and notice that George isn't there.

Red flags start immediately going off. He would wake me up if he went anywhere.

My gut is telling me something is wrong. I get out of bed to see if he is maybe still in here.

That is when I notice the note he left. The note read, ""At the garden. Come down there if you need me. Love, George."

I decide I want to go into the garden and check on him. Just in case something is wrong, I decide to bring my silver dagger.

That's when I notice it isn't there.

I knew something was wrong and my first thought was that George went to commit suicide. That thought immediately left my mind because if he actually did he would leave a suicide note. That note he left did not look like a suicide note.

I start sprinting down the halls and to the garden so I can check up on George.

I open the garden's door to something I don't want to see.

I see Tommy pinning George on the ground with my silver dagger pinned to his throat.

Anddddd another cliff hanger. And a double upload. Right after this I am going to start writing another chapter, so maybe a triple upload.

Also I feel like this chapter is rushed. It may be because it is so short.

Anyways eat, drink water, and stay safe.

So I just went and edited this chapter and confused myself. So I am sorry if something doesn't make sense.

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