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Dream's Pov:

I sit in my office, waiting for the rebels to come. Luckily, I had sources to tell me when and who would be coming.

From what I was told, there would be a group who called themselves the rebellion who would be storming the base today. There would be a bombing upfront, and the rest would be attacked over here. Luckily, I informed all the guards to be ready.

I glance at my desk and look at everything I have prepared. My infamous dagger, a gun, and some sleeping darts.

I heard some commotion outside and saw the door bust open. I saw a brown-haired older man and a younger brown-haired man. (I assume they are father and son.) I see them make eye contact, and I can sense the fear. I see the boy looking over at me, and I make eye contact with him.

The moment I made eye contact with the small, brunette, I knew I wanted him to be mine. I stare into his milky brown eyes, pulling me in. I smirk at him, and he looks afraid.

When he breaks eye contact and looks at his dad with a scared expression, I tell my four guards to get the man and the boy. Then I hear running, and a yell from the boy.


I see a woman and someone I can't tell who they are. I tell one guard to bring the boy to the Withold room. (The room where we hold people until we figure out what to do with them.) And while the guards are getting those two, I notice the brunette struggling and panicking. I tell the guards to get the sleep darts ready.

I grab my shiny silver dagger. Ah yes. My favourite one. The one I used to assassinate my uncle.

I walk over to the man, and I decide to tease him. After all, he was planning to murder me.

I lightly drag it across his throat and notice I have a tiny bit of blood on my blade. I smirk at the man.

I see the panic in the man's eyes, and I know he is longing to take himself and the boy and run. But he knows if he tries, I will probably murder him. And I would.

I see the guards throw the woman to the ground on her knees, and I tie the man up and put him down beside the woman. I look at the boy, and I can see him struggling hard.

I look away and take the dagger, and stab the man in the heart. I smile as I feel the familiar feeling of blood spattering on my face. I pull the dagger out, and I see the blood start pooling as I see his corpse collapse.

I take my white cloth and wipe the dagger, making it shiny again. I watched the cloth turn from white to blood red. I smirk and turn towards the woman.

The boy starts panicking even more, and I see the woman start to tremble. For a moment, feel a small twinge of guilt and remember. She helped assist in my assassination. She needs to pay.

I close my eyes and stab her in the heart. Again, I feel the blood spatter, but this time it gets on my lips. I pull out the dagger, and I see blood pouring out, even more than on the man. She collapses, and I take the already bloody cloth, and I hold up the dagger and smile.

I look over at the boy, and he looks at me and starts whaling and thrashing. You can see the tears falling from his eyes, and I feel guilty. I don't want to hurt who will soon be mine.

I walk over there and kneel in front of him, and tell him, "Calm down Beautiful. It'll be alright." And it seems to somewhat work. I see a guard stab him in the neck with a sleeping dart, and he starts to fall asleep.

I pick him up and bring him to my room and place him on the bed. I take some of my pajamas and undress him so he doesn't have to wear his jeans to bed.

I look at him one last time in my clothes that look a little too big on him before I crawl into bed and cuddle up to him.

-746 words-

Please tell me if it is wrong or if something doesn't make sense.

Anyways eat drink and stay safe


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