Chapter Sixteen

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12th February 2014


Every time my phone would beep with a text from Harry I would silence it. Every time it began to ring I would swipe 'ignore'. I couldn't be dealing with him, I couldn't be even communicating with someone who was such a liar.

"Woah someone has you pissed," My sister commented as we sat at lunch. Sienna was colouring. She had a bad nights sleep, Jaison bailed again and I took the day off work just to have one less thing to stress about. I couldn't afford to lose money, but my sanity is more important.

"Yeah, I'm all over the place right now."

"Talk to me,"

I sigh. "Harry has a girlfriend,"

Saffron's lips part. "As in.."

"As in he's dating some model called Sadie, even though he took me on a date."

"What a player, have you confronted him?"

I swipe my phone as it rings again. "Nope, I'm ignoring him. That's what you do with people that annoy you. Ignore them until they get bored and leave you alone."

"No, that's what you do if you're being bullied. He won't go away. He needs to know why you're upset."

"I'm not upset just annoyed. What should I have expected? No one is really interested in dating a young mum. It would ruin his image anyway. I'm going to continue my life and make it as happy as possible for Sienna."

"But you need to have a happy life too,"

"If Harry doesn't make me happy then he shouldn't be in my life." I shrug helping Sienna as she tries to cut some of her chicken.

"You're so strong, I wish I was like you,"

I smiled over at Saffron, she didn't realise how weak I actually was. I had to be strong because if I wasn't, who would be? I had to strong in order to keep Sienna happy and content.

My 18 year old sister had no idea what it was like to be me for a day, she had no idea what her future holds, with university and relationships on the horizon, starting her own family. She was one of the good ones, although she loved to party, I wanted nothing more than for my sister to be nothing like me.

. . .

Sienna had just gone down for a nap when my doorbell rang, I thought it might have been my mum doing a short visit, but when I opened the door I was slightly disappointed.


"Why are you here?"

Harry shuffled on his feet. "I rang and texted,"

I walked away leaving the door open for him to walk through.

"I've been busy."

"Too busy to text me?"

"I don't know why you're worried," I scoff leaning against the sink, arms folded. "Haven't you got a girlfriend called Sadie to attend to? Buy jumpers for?" I raise an eyebrow.

His face changes, I wasn't sure of the emotion but I think it was guilt, the look Sienna gave me when she'd taken one too many sweets.

"Harper I-"

"I don't want to hear it Harry," I shake my head. "If you have a girlfriend why are you here?"

"Because she isn't my girlfriend, I don't have a girlfriend."

I roll my eyes.

"Sadie seems to think we're together, that we have some connection but we don't, I have no feelings for her whatsoever, we just sleep together, that's it."

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