Find the Girl!

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          The girl sleeping in my bed shows no sign of movement. Is she dead? It is hard to say. Her clothes are that of a foreign land- perhaps she is a nomad? It has been 3 suns since I have first seen her, and she smells
of him. I can sense my little brother again- he has returned but for what I cannot say. Returning here was a death sentence for him and a mercy for me. I can only hope he knows what he is doing.
Frustrated, Raul slaps his journal closed and huffs out a breath of air. He glared at Ava, who was peacefully sleeping in his bed. She was clothed in Daemos garments, a purple sleeveless toga cinched with a delicate silver belt. She had multiple rings and finger claws adorning her hands and a metal arm guard on her shoulder, imprinted with the royal family sigil. She looked beautiful, but again, Raul couldn't help but wonder who she was. Clearly, she was not from Kane.
He walks over to her and touches her cheek. Her skin is warm and he can feel blood pulsing underneath her flesh. Who are you? Raul thought.

~With the boys~
"Hey! That was my pancake!"
"Not anymore loser."
"You won't be saying that when you lose your arm!"
"Try me!"
Leif and Asch's argument was cut off by a ball of blue light shooting between them, making them jump back just in time.
          "Enough, both of you! Ava is in Daemos, with Zex on the hunt for her, and you two are standing around like idiots arguing over pancakes?!" Rhys fumed.
          "Hey! Pancakes are a very serious matter." Leif attempted for a joke, but it fell flat.
          It was true. Asch, Pierce, Noi, Rhys, and Leif were all on edge. They had been searching Daemos for 3 and a half days, but there was no sign of Ava. It was like she had disappeared. They were all panicked inside, and with every passing hour the shrapnel in their hearts twisted tighter. Noi and Pierce were standing watch outside the pub that Leif and Asch were in, and Rhys was trying to order food before the two had started bickering.
          Leif hung his head, hiding his watery eyes, "You know... I keep thinking... We lost Ava with the impression that we only wanted her so she could breed on Daemos. What- what if we never find her? Then-"
          A fist slammed down against the table. "SHUT UP, LEIF." Asch's head was down and his eyes were squeezed tight. His heart felt just about ready to explode, which was stupid. All this over one measly human? He didn't understand why any mention of A- of her name sent him spiraling.
          Rhys gave him a pointed look, "We are going to find her, Asch. And Leif, do not be so down. That does not help out situation."
          The three boys left the pub and joined Pierce and Noi, who had their heads together and were talking grimly. A purple moon shone from above, and smaller blue moons were just peeking out over the tops of the trees.
         "What? What is it?" Asch asked them.
         Pierce and Noi jumped in surprise but relaxed when they saw the prince.
          "We were just discussing ways to find Princess Ava." Noi explained quickly.
          Asch, Leif, and Rhys waited for him to go on, and when he never did Rhys said, "And?"
          Immediately, Noi and Pierce looked around in discomfort. Rhys paled, understanding their reluctance. Asch and Leif side-eyed each other, not understanding.
"What was the idea?" Leif asked finally.
"It is too dangerous." Pierce said, his ponytail slapping his cheek as a gust of wind hit the boys.
          "I am willing to do it if it's a chance at finding Princess Ava." Asch declared.
          Pierce, Noi, and Rhys looked at each other before Rhys nodded.
          "Well, we have searched all over Daemos, Prince Asch. That is, all over your kingdom. But Princess Ava might have landed in another kingdom, and the only person who can sense everyone in any kingdom is the same person who wants your— our heads." Rhys explained.
           Now Leif and Asch understood, and Asch's heart, a heart that he had kept in check for so long, started thumping loudly, "You want us to go meet my father."

A/N ehehehe i dunno why im even writing this since i don't have any readers yet(i haven't even published this chapter as im saying this) BUT! If you do come across this book then thank you so much for giving it a chance- BUT REMEMBER TO WATCH SEASON 1 FIRST!!!

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