CHAPTER 17- The Wedding

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LENA STARED OUT THE WINDOW, LOOKING AT NOTHING IN PARTICULAR. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. After doing that for about ten seconds she gave up and resumed normal breathing.

The door opened behind her and Rose walked in, wearing her dark blue bridesmaid dress. Lena smiled at her and continued staring out the window. Rose walked up to her and lightly squeezed her shoulders.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked, resting her chin on her best friend's shoulder. Lena sighed and held Rose's hand.

"Today is supposed to be the happiest day of my entire life," said Lena "but it's hard to be cheerful when I know that it's not going to end well." Rose gave her sympathetic smile and stood in front of Lena.

"I would say something re-assuring like, it's going to be okay and that nothing bad is going to happen but even I know that it's not true." There was another knock on the door and the door opened. Albus walked in with his hands on his eyes.

"Sorry," he said after bumping into a mannequin "I heard somewhere that it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." Lena chuckled softly and walked over to him. She held his hand and lowered them from his face.

"Considering that it's good luck that our wedding gets destroyed, I think you should see me," said Lena.

"I know this is not the most ideal wedding scenario bu-"

"It's okay," said Lena, interrupting Albus "At least I get to marry you."

"But you won't get your dream wedding," said Albus.

"My best friend is my maid of honor and I'm marrying my soulmate," said Lena "I think I got my dream wedding." Albus smiled and kissed Lena on the cheek before leaving the room. A girl, older than Lena and with flaming red hair walked in and practically shoved Albus out the door.

"He shouldn't be here" she said "What happened to your winter wedding? Even though I am extremely happy you are getting married."

"It does snow in December," said Lena "Where's Victoire? Aren't you supposed to be helping her with the cake?"

"She's fine," said the girl. There was sounds of huffing down the hall which belonged to a silvery-blonde haired girl with an angry expression on her face.

"Dominique. Apolline. Weasley," she breathed "I am going to murder you. And I don't care that I won't get money for it." The silvery-blonde haired girl winced as the words escaped from her mouth. "Too soon?" she asked.

"It's fine, Vicky," said Lena. Albus had filled Victoire, Teddy and Dominique on what was happening after Teddy found out about the lists. Lydia came running into the room and Lena picked her up.

"Guess what?" she squealed "Liam is back for your wedding."

"I know he is," said Lena "Um... Vicky, Domi, could you guys give me a minute? And send Lily and Katerina here."

"Of course," said Dominique "Come on Lydia, let's go steal some ice cream."

"Yay!" Lydia exclaimed. Victoire closed the door behind her. Lena sighed and sat down on the sofa in the middle of the room.

Twenty minutes later Lily, Lorcan, Scorpius, and Albus all gathered in Lena's dressing room.

"Let's go over the plan one more time," said Albus.

"Al, we've been over this four times," Lily complained.

"I just want to be careful, with this many people around and all four of in the same place well, the Foreign Hope might hit her jackpot," said Albus. For the past few weeks, Albus, Rose, Scorpius and Lena made sure that all four of them never were in the same place together.

"That's what we want," said Lorcan "This building has three entrances, two for visitors and one for the staff. Piper and Rex are guarding the visitor entrances."

"I've got the brains and I'll be guarding the staff entrance," said Katerina "It was a nightmare trying to sneak them out of the ministry."

"You all know who is invited so you see anyone who isn't supposed to be here, you eliminate them," said Scorpius.

"We're not going to kill anyone," said James.

"We're not?" Scorpius asked "Not even if they deserve it?"

"No," said James "I'll deal with it."

"I mean, killing them is much more efficient," said Albus. Rose and Lena mumbled in agreement.

"No killing," said James.

"What about the guests?" asked Lily "Most of them don't know anything. They just think it's a regular wedding."

"I think they will just disapperate," said Rose "They are used to weddings getting attacked. Uncle Bill's wedding was attacked. Your grand-parents got married during the first wizarding war and so did mine so I'm pretty sure they got attacked too. Few of the Doxies from Grimmauld Place came with Uncle Harry and attacked his wedding. There was a storm during my parents outdoor wedding. I think the guests are safe."

"Why were my parents so boring?" asked Scorpius.

"It is so remarkable how you guys veer off-topic so easily," said James "There is someone out there trying to kill you and you guys are here discussing weddings!?"

"James is right," said Katerina "The wedding is supposed to start in twenty minutes."

"Unbelievable," James mumbled, heading out the the room. Katerina and Lily left together than Scorpius and finally Albus.


Albus smiled as Lena took his hand standing in front of him. Everyone sat down and Hermione began to speak.

"Greetings everyone," she said "When Albus came to me asking for a favour, I have to admit, I was extremely weary since the last favour he asked nearly burnt down my house. But when he said that he wanted me to marry him and Lena, I had to do it. Becua-"

"Did I miss it?" said a brunette walking through the doors. Albus looked at Lena who was just as confused as he was.

"When did you invite your aunt?" he whispered "Why did you invite her?"

"I didn't" said Lena. Albus and Lena sprang into action and pointed their wands at Lena's aunt.

"Too late," Charlotte sneered "Imperio." Lena's eye's turned white and she pointed her wand at Albus.

"Lena," Albus breathed. Lena took his arm and apparated out of there.

Rose pointed her wand at Charlotte but she had apparated and Albus and Lena were gone.

A/N: So sorry that this update took so long but I kind of forgot that I was writing this book. I've just been dealing with a lot with my school and personal life so I didn't get time to write. The story is about to end. Just about two or three more chapters left. And as much as I insult this book, I have to admit I will miss and and I like the way this story turned out. Please check my spelling and grammar.

Albus Potter and the Foreign Hope: Harry Potter and The Cursed Child SequelWhere stories live. Discover now