CHAPTER 15- Blueprints and Dragons

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A BLONDE HAIRED MAN WALKED IN WITH A SMALL TRUNK IN HIS HAND. He had an anxious frown was on his face where usually a warm smile sits. He was accompanied by a dark haired woman with rolls of parchment in her hands.

"Lorcan," Lily exclaimed as the blonde haired man walked in. He took her in his arms and gave her a small kiss.

"Mate, could you not do that in front of me?" James asked, gagging "She's my sister you know?" Lorcan turned red and Lily stuck her tongue out.

"What the hell is she doing here?" asked Rose, glaring at the dark haired woman.

"Hello to you too Rose. Miss me?" she said "Hi James. I see you're as hot as ever." James opened his mouth to protest but just shook his head in defeat.

"Scorpius is being held in the old sanctuary for magical animals, the one where Lorcan worked before it was shut down because the area was bad for the animals or something," said Lena "These two are here to help."

"Actually, someone bought the land," said Lorcan.

"Yeah, that," said Lena "Katerina, here is the only one with access to the blueprints of the area." Katerina smiled and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger.

"So now we know where he is," said Rose "He's not dead... yet."

"How do you know that?" Katerina asked.

"Lena did a linking spell. Rose invented it," Albus explained "Basically, Lena and Scorpius are now... connected. Lena can sense him and he can sense Lena. It will wear off after six hours so we don't have much time."

"I think I might have an idea on how to rescue him," said Rose "With the blueprints, which Katerina got... Wait, how did you get them?"

"I work in the Department of Mysteries," said Katerina "I figured out how to manipulate the brains in the brain room to do my bidding."

"Only you are manipulative enough to pull that off," said Lena.

"Aren't you supposed to be an unspeakable then?" Lorcan asked "With your tongue cut off."

"Let's just say my boss thinks it gone," said Katerina "And if anyone of you says a word, I'll make sure you don't have a tomorrow to look forward to." Everyone avoided their gaze and Katerina smirked, turning to James. "It's a good thing I managed to keep my tongue," she continued "I can do many things with it. Want me to demonstrate?"

"Don't respond," mumbled Albus so that only James would hear.

"I'm sorry, I just have to," said James "But, Katerina, you do know that I'm married, right?"

"I won't tell if you won't," said Katerina, shrugging and biting her lower lip. James scoffed and shook his head.

"Why is she even here?" asked James.

"She has the blueprints and she'll help because she's on the list too," said Lena "Now listen, since Scorpius is still alive and since he's pretty high on the list he has to be guarded since he's not dead."

"Why?" asked Albus "Why didn't Snyde kill him yet?"

"Is that really the question you should be asking now!" exclaimed James.

"I'm just saying," said Albus "Just kill him and get the money. Why keep him alive?"

"I don't know!" said James "That's not important now."

"There are two entrances. The one from the front and this back one," said Rose "Lily, James and I will enter the building through the back and rescue my husband."

"I think I should be with you," said Lena "I'm the one who will know where he is."

"Okay, then Lena, James, and I will go in," said Rose "Albus and Katerina will be the distraction. You guys enter through the front. We'll need about forty-five minutes to an hour so be as loud and distracting as possible"

"What do Lily and I do?" Lorcan asked.

"You two figure out a way to get us out of there and keep them in," said Rose "Even if they are working under the Foreign Hope's orders, they still need to be locked up."

"And help out Albus and Katerina," said Lena "If you think that they will be in danger or they will get captured, just save them. If all goes well, Snyde and whoever else is in there with him won't know that we are there." Lily nodded and everyone grabbed their wands and Lena took the parchment with the blueprints, but Katerina stayed behind.

"You guys do realize that magic won't work there," she said. Everyone stopped in their tracks and turned to face her. She raised her eyebrows and cocked her head slightly.

"What?" asked Lily.

"Magic won't work there," said Katerina "It's there on the parchment. The little symbol that looks like a blue flower. It means that you can't apparate in or out nor will any wand with a core of dragon heartstring, unicorn hair or phoenix tail feather will work within the building. It's a bunch of charms and other things which are too complicated to explain."

"Why would someone want to hide in a place like that?" Lena asked "And if magic doesn't work how can I sense Scorpius."

"Because magic does work," said Lorcan "Just, wands won't."

"But Snyde's does," sighed Lena "Because it's made of Wampus cat hair."

"So basically, we're like muggles," said Lily "Unless we can do magic without wands."

"The only person we know who could do that is dead," said Albus.

"What about dragons?" Lorcan asked, with a knowing smile on his face. He opened his trunk and pulled out two miniature dragons. One was a Peruvian Vipertooth and the other was an Ukrainian Ironbelly.

"Calling them dragons is an insult to dragons," said Katerina, stroking the Peruvian Vipertooth. It sniffed her finger and bit it. She winced in pain and pulled her hand out.

"Piper no!" said Lorcan "Sorry, it should be okay. She had her venom glands removed."

"Good to know," said Katerina "But seriously, how are these supposed to help us." Lorcan took two fingers and joined them together and then separated them in front of the two Dragons. The Dragons closed their eyes and grew in size until they were as tall as the rest of the lot.

"Fascinating, right?" said Lorcan "It's a new project I've been working on. It's completely humane of course. With a series of charms and with a little bit of breeding, Piper and Rex can grow to the size of an actual Dragon and shrink to the size of a muggle lizard. Their stealth is pretty good too."

"Perfect," said James "We can use them with us. One can stay with Rose, Lena, and I and the other one can help Albus and Katerina."

"Small problem," said Lily "The Dragons only listen to me or Lorcan. It shouldn't be a problem for Rex. He listens to everyone but Piper only listens to Lorcan. If Piper can't see Lorcan, she can get pretty vicious. She might attack you, or worse."

"Okay," said Rose "Piper will stay with Lena, Lorcan and I while we help Scorpius-"

"I should be part of the rescue team," said James "I'm the only one of you who's an Auror. You might need my skills."

"Lena knows where he is and Lorcan controls the dragon," said Rose "And Scorpius is my husband. Do you really want to say your skills are more important?" James stepped back and shook his head.

"Okay then, James, Lily and Rex help us get out. Katerina and I are the distraction and Rose, Lena, and Lorcan rescue Scorpius," said Albus and everyone nodded "Let's go save my best friend."

A/N: I know I've been inactive for too long but I've been busy with offline college and classes and other stuff... Also turns out I have no idea about what this book is so just enjoy random garbage I guess.

Albus Potter and the Foreign Hope: Harry Potter and The Cursed Child SequelWhere stories live. Discover now