CHAPTER 13- James and Lily to the Rescue

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LILY STORMED INTO ALBUS AND LENA'S FLAT, HOLDING PIECES OF PARCHMENT IN HER HANDS. Albus and Lena exchanged glances and looked back at Lily. They knew what she was going to say and they didn't like it.

"Lil-" Albus started to say.

"What is this?" Lily asked.

"Lily, just-"

"What. Is. This?" Lily asked again "And you better tell me the truth."

"Lily it's nothing-"


"It's a dead pool," Lena blurted out "Someone wants the people on the list dead. The number next to the person is how many thousand galleons they are worth."

"It's nothing Lily," said Albus "You're not even on it."

"I know," said Lily, pursing her lips "But my brother is. So is my mother, and my father and my boyfriend. Do you want me to continue?" Albus and Lena stayed silent. They all sat down at the dinner table and Lily started at them.

"Why are you both on there?" she asked.

"Because I we all have done things which normal wizards can't do," said Lena.

"Why is Lorcan on there?" Lily asked "And if Lorcan is there why isn't Lysander."

"You've seen Lorcan around animals," said Albus "It's incredible how he's able to connect with them. It's almost as if he can understand them. He was called 'the best magizoologist to ever exist since Newt Scamander' by the Daily Prophet on many occasions. Lysander isn't even a magizoologist. He's an herbologist."

"Nothing is going to happen to Lorcan," said Lena "He's not going to die. No one is."

"We've been working on it. We are going to stop the Foreign Hope," said Albus. Lily furrowed her eyes and looked at Albus.

"You knew about this," she said softly "How long have you known about this?" Lena avoided Lily's gaze and Albus shifted uncomfortably.

"Since I was attacked," said Albus, wincing away from his sister.

"That was months ago," said Lily "You knew all this time and you never even mentioned a word!"

"We're so sorry Lil," said Lena "I can't imagine what you might have thought, but we thought that it was best if only a few people knew."

"Who else knew?" Lily asked.

"Just Rose and Scorpius," said Lena. Lily sighed and slumped against her chair. The door burst open and a man with brown hair burst through, holing a piece of parchment.

"What is this?" he asked.

"James, just-"

"What. Is. This?" James asked again "And you better tell me the truth."

"James it's nothing-"


"It's a dead pool," Lena, Lily and Albus said at the same time.

"Someone wants the people on the list dead. The number next to the person is how many thousand galleons they are worth," Albus explained.

"How are you not worried?" James said "I'm not even on the list and I'm terrified for you."

"We're solving it," said Albus "We are really close to solving this."

"Okay, you say you're close. Who's the Foreign Hope?" asked James "Any ideas? Clues? Leads?"

"No," Lena answered.

"Where are they?" asked James.

"We don't know," answered Albus.

Albus Potter and the Foreign Hope: Harry Potter and The Cursed Child SequelWhere stories live. Discover now