CHAPTER 10- Family visit

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LENA CRUMPLED UP A PIECE OF PARCHMENT AND TOSSED IT ASIDE. She sighed and went back to sorting the owls and muggle mail that they got at the flat. Albus took the parchment and opened it.

"You are invited to Mr. Jean-Claude Deveraux and Mrs. Amalie Deveraux's funeral," he read out "Guess we're not going." Lena aggressively slammed a letter on the table and Albus sat next to her, holding both of her hands in his and turning her head towards her.

"Do you think I should go?" she asked softly "I mean they were my parents after all."

"No they weren't," said Albus "Gabrielle is the only mother you have. She cares for you. And no matter what you do she won't stop loving you and she will never, ever, make you feel bad about who you are."

"I know," said Lena softly . Albus planted a kiss on her forehead and went into the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast.

There was rapid knocking at the door and Albus went to open it. A woman with silvery hair walked in with a big smile on her face and a bottle of dragon barrel brandy in her hand.

"Mum!" Lena exclaimed, walking towards the door.

"Adalena!" Gabrielle exclaimed, wrapping her adoptive daughter in a tight hug "I heard ze news. I can't believe that ze 'orrible people are no more! Let's celebrate."

"Thanks, but I think I'll just skip the alcohol," said Lena.

"Right, because of human decency, or whatever," said Gabrielle.

"Screw human decency. Let's get plastered," said Albus. Gabrielle laughed with him and Lena rolled her eyes.

"I love Albus," said Gabrielle "I'm so 'appy you're marrying 'im. And, I'm so 'appy you proposed, Albus."

"Well, what can I say," said Albus "She's my everything." Lena blushed as she grabbed a couple of glasses from the kitchen.


Evening rolled around when Gabrielle left. Lena sat on the couch next to Albus, completely tired. She sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulders.

"You're always saving me," she mumbled "First when we were fourteen, then again when you saved me from that horrid potion I had an allergic reaction to when we were eighteen and again when you got attacked and again today when I was feeling... I don't know but you saved me from going to that funeral. You're always saving me."

"I would say that you saved me when I got attacked," said Albus.

"That knife was headed for me," said Lena "Don't think I didn't notice you pulling me down to save me."

"You ducked," said Albus "You dodged it."

"I thought I did," said Lena "But it was you who moved me out of the way. You truly are my everything." Albus smiled and planted a small kiss on her lips.

"I'm going to go inside," said Lena. She made her way to her room and closed the door.

The doorbell rang and Albus opened the door. A woman with blonde hair and a weary expression stood outside. She had wrinkles on her face, making her seem older than she probably was. She wore a sad expression and showed the faintest hint of a smile when Albus opened the door.

"Bon soir! Iz this Adalena Deveraux's apparement?" she asked. Albus stiffened and frowned.

"Sorry, I don't know an Adalena Deveraux. Good day," said Albus, proceeding to close the door.

"I think zat she does live here. I 'have come a long way just to look for 'er," the woman said, sticking her foot in so that Albus couldn't close the door.

Lena came out and stood frozen at the door. She crossed her arms and pursed her lips into a thin line.

"Adalena," the woman at the door breathed.

"Get out," said Lena, her voice dangerously low.

"Adalena, please listen to me," the woman begged "Je ne te souhaite aucun mal. Je connais tes capacités." Lena closed her eyes and curled her hands into a fists.

"Two minutes," said Lena "And then you're leaving." The woman smiled and walked in and sat on the sofa. Albus and Lena followed.

"Do you know her?" asked Albus. Lena sighed and nodded.

"She's my aunt, unfortunately," said Lena.

"What did she say?"

"I don't wish you harm. I know about your abilities," Lena translated. Albus and Lena sat across from Lena's aunt and Lena's aunt gave them a weak smile.

"Hello. I don't think Adalena has mentioned me," she said "I'm Charlotte Monet. Adalena's aunt."

"Albus Potter," said Albus.

"Why are you here?" Lena asked, coldly.

"I wanted to see you," Charlotte answered "You weren't there at your parent's funeral."

"They are not my parents," Lena spat "They are a little worse than strangers to me."

"Adalena, I know you don't like zem very much but they are still your parents," said Charlotte.

"Parents don't hate their child enough to want them dead," said Albus "They are not her parents."

"Zey hunted you?" asked Charlotte and Lena nodded.

"They almost succeeded," said Lena "I would probably be dead if Gabrielle Delacour hadn't found me."

"That's why you ran away," said Charlotte "Anyway, I wanted to let you know zat, I am just like you." She pulled out a wand from her sleeve and handed it to Lena. She looked at it curiously.

"Ten and a half inches, rosewood and dragon heart string," Lena mumbled "Where did you find it?"

"It'z mine," said Charlotte taken aback "I got it when I went to Beauxbatons." Lena scoffed.

"If you went there, Amalie would hate you," said Lena.

"It's a simple memory wiping charm," said Charlotte "I removed any memory she has of me being a witch when we were older, but I was not able to remove her hatred of witches."

"Why are you here?" Lena asked "Why after all these years?" Charlotte shifted slightly.

"I couldn't find you," said Charlotte "After you ran away, I couldn't find you."

"That was the point," said Lena "Two minutes are gone. Good-bye."

"Adalena," Charlotte said softly "I want to be part of your life again. I want to be your family."

"You had your chance," said Lena "It's great that you want to start over but I don't want to. This is my life now."

"I understand. I'm here if you change your mind," said Charlotte she gave Lena a sad smile and then opened the door to leave.

A flash of white light flew past Charlotte's nose and all three of them grabbed their wands. Lena peered out and saw two wizards. One was dressed in black and the other one was dressed in muggle clothing and he was on the floor, bleeding. The wizard dressed in black started running when he saw Lena, Albus and Charlotte. Lena ran after him while Albus tended to the injured wizard.

"I lost him," said Lena "Disapprated when he left the building."

"Call my father," said Albus "He's dead."

A/N: I wish I had planned this chapter better because I know I want it but I didn't know exactly how I was going to write it if that makes sense. As promised, here's a chapter in November. I kind of sort of have holidays now so I can try to publish a few chapters. No promises. Check my spelling and my grammar.

Albus Potter and the Foreign Hope: Harry Potter and The Cursed Child SequelWhere stories live. Discover now