CHAPTER 5- Parenting Practice

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ROSE STARED AT THE LIST, TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THE CODE WAS. She wrote something next to one of the numbers and scratched it out. She sighed and brushed her hair out of her face, leaning back against the back of the sofa.

Scorpius came in a few minutes later and lay down on the sofa, resting his head on Rose's lap. Rose smiled and lightly brushed her husband's hair across his forehead with her fingers. Scorpius smiled and closed his eyes. He took Rose's other hand and kissed it lightly.

"I love it when you do that," said Scorpius. He knew his wife very well. Every time she was stressed or frustrated, he showed tender affection, usually in the form of kisses and she seemed to calm down. Rose, in turn, knew that Scorpius liked to have his forehead stroked when he has had a difficult day with his alchemy projects.

Scorpius looked at the list which Rose placed on the coffee table and frowned.

"We need to hide that before Liam and Lydia come over," said Scorpius. Rose smacked her head with her hand "They won't decode it but I don't even want to let them try."

"I forgot that they were coming over today," she groaned.

"It's okay, darling," said Scorpius "We could just say that we are busy and shove the responsibility over to Albus and Lena. They could use the parenting practice."

"Albus is busy at work and Lena is doing inventory at the shop," said Rose. There was a knock on the door and Rose got up to open it. Scorpius yelped and fell on the floor.

"Sorry," said Rose "I forgot you were there."

"How the hell did you forget that I was there?" Scorpius explained "I'm only your husband."

"And I love you," said Rose, opening the door, revealing two small blonde haired children, a boy and a girl. The boy ran past Rose towards Scorpius as soon as the door opened. Scorpius held out his arms and hugged the wizard.

"Uncle Scorpius!" the blonde wizard exclaimed.

"Liam Lupin! You're really tall," said Scorpius, ruffling his nephew's hair "How old are you now? Eight? Nine?"

"I'm eleven," Liam replied.

"Eleven! Nah, you still look eight to me," said Scorpius.

"But I'm eleven!" Liam complained "I have a wand and everything! Look, it's ten and a quarter, cypress and Kelpie hair!"

"Kelpie hair?" asked Scorpius and Liam nodded.

"It's one of the very few wands Aunt Lena made," he explained "The only one with Kelpie hair that too."

"You know, I have something that I made with Kelpie hair," said Scorpius "It's not a wand but it turns water into rum. Come on, I'll show you." Scorpius and Liam went into his study.

"Don't let him drink it!" Rose called out. The little blonde haired witch tugged on the sleeve of Rose's robes.

"What is it, Lydia?" asked Rose.

"No, Aunt Rose, you have to close your eyes," said Lydia. Rose smiled and closed her eyes. "No peeking."

"Okay," said Rose. Lydia took Rose's hand and placed something on it.

"You can open them now," said Lydia. Rose obliged and saw a small rose on the palm of her hand. "It's a Rose just like you!" Lydia explained.

"Thank you Lydia," said Rose, smiling.

"Can I put it in your hair?" Lydia asked.

"Sure!" replied Rose. She sat down on her knees to match the four-year old's height and Lydia put the flower behind her ear.

"There," Lydia said "Let's find you a pretty dress now!" Lydia took Rose's hand and dragged her up to Rose's room. They were walking around for a while when Lydia started to look tired. Rose offered to carry her and Lydia agreed. Rose opened the door to her and Scorpius's room and put Lydia down.

"You have a very big house," said Lydia entering Rose's closet and looking at her clothes. Lydia pulled out one of Scorpius's shirts and frowned.

"What is Uncle Scorpius's shirt doing in your room?" she asked.

"Uncle Scorpius and I share a room," replied Rose, helping Lydia look through her clothes.

"You have a big house. Why do you share a room with him?" asked Lydia. Rose laughed softly and before she could answer Lydia pulled out a red dress with a glittery sash and forced Rose to wear it.

"Let's go show Uncle Scorpius," Lydia exclaimed and she and Rose left the room and found their way to Scorpius's study where him and Liam were messing around with various object Scorpius used for his Alchemy projects. Rose knocked on the open door and both of them turned around. Scorpius gaped and Rose tried to suppress a smile but failed.

"You look beautiful Aunt Rose," said Liam "What's the occasion?"

"Aunt Rose and I were playing dress up. My turn," said Lydia and she turned her hair a bright shade of purple.

"What about me?" Scorpius said "Do I get to play dress-up?"

"Yes," replied Lydia "I will go find you a dress."

"Fantastic," said Scorpius.

"Are you really going to wear one of my dresses?" asked Rose.

"Sure, why not," said Scorpius "Maybe I'll look as beautiful as you." Scorpius left the room with Lydia. Rose smiled while shaking her head.

"Hey, Liam, want to go fly around the house?" asked Rose "I'll teach you a few quidditch moves. Just don't tell your mum. She's already cross with Lena for teaching you how to fly."

"I don't have a broom," complained Liam.

"That's okay," said Rose "Scorpius collects racing brooms. I know where they are." Liam's eyes perked up and he followed Rose to a storage room filled with brooms. They both selected one and started flying around the house.


Rose and Scorpius entered the house again after their morning walk. They took off their cloaks and they went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"You were great with Liam and Lydia yesterday," said Scorpius "Have you ever thought about having kids one day."

"Yes I have," said Rose "Have you?"

"Yes," said Scorpius. There was a small silence and then Scorpius spoke up again, "Do you... want to.. you know... start trying?" Rose thought about it for a while and smiled.

"Yeah, I would love to," she said. Scorpius smiled and helped Rose with breakfast.

"Scorpy, dear, call your father," said Rose "Breakfast is almost ready."

"Dad's here?" asked Scorpius. After Rose moved into Malfoy Manor Draco barely spent time there. He spent most of his time in a flat that he bought somewhere. He said he lived there with Astoria before they had Scorpius.

"Yeah, he came in late last night," said Rose "He wanted to spend some time with Liam and Lydia and I invited him to stay the night."

"Right!" said Scorpius "I have some Alchemy stuff to ask him anyway." Scorpius left the kitchen and made his way to his father's room. He knocked on the door and entered when he heard no reply.

"Dad!" Scorpius exclaimed in horror.

A/N: I wanted to include more stuff but the chapter was becoming too long so I had to get rid of a lot of it. It's still a bit longer than I want but there's not much I can do about it. I loved writing this chapter and I really wish I could include the stuff I took out but maybe I'll turn it into other chapter and pepper those in. As Always, check my grammar and spelling.

Albus Potter and the Foreign Hope: Harry Potter and The Cursed Child SequelWhere stories live. Discover now