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Hope you all have a good day!!
What's your favourite colour?


Time doesn't exist when you're with the people you love the most. Time has gone by so quickly that the night before my birthday had already arrived. And tonight was the night I met Ethans whole family. I was shitting myself.

Ethan and I were getting ready in his room. It was a dressy restaurant according to him. So dressy it is! Ethan was dressed in a suit which made him look so handsome.

I slipped on my favourite dressy dress, letting it hug my body. My makeup was light and I sprayed my body with my favourite perfume.

"You ready?" Ethan asked, hugging me from behind

"I think so, I'm really nervous" I rubbed Ethans arm, his grip on my waist tightening.

"They already don't stop asking about you bella, I promise they'll love you"

I nodded in response and followed behind him. Nerves consumed my body. I really wanted to make a good impression on Ethans family but with the way my nerves were going, I was going to throw up.

We waved goodbye to everyone and headed straight to the car. Anxiously tapping my foot, my eyes couldn't shift from staring straight ahead of me. All silly thoughts rushed through my head, wondering if they'll hate me, if they tell Ethan to leave me, what if they all leave halfway through. Thoughts clogged my mind aggressively. We pulled into the restaurant car park and swiftly headed into the restaurant.

We approached a sign that requested us to stay where we are until seen to.
A waiter approached us
"Good evening, have you got a booking?"

"Yes! It's under the name Torchio"

"Ah! Yes! Follow me, also Happy birthday ma'am"

I blushed and thanked the waiter before following him to our table. The curtains were drawn back and everyone cheered. Smiles all around, balloons and banners decorated the area, the large table was decorated in baby pictures of me. I thanked everyone and looked to Ethan.

"How did you get these?" I laughed looking at little me in the bath, playing on the swings we had in my old garden, me with my childhood dog, he had found so many

"That's a secret" he whispered before guiding me to meet everyone. One by one we greeted each family member, them wishing me a happy birthday and having small talk, to say there was a lot of them would be an understatement. We finally took our seats and begun to eat.

"Thank you for this Ethan, I'm genuinely so grateful for you, for this, for everything!"

"You deserve the world Y/N, and I want to give you as much as I can"

Conversation filled the room, everyone asking questions about the photos that were spread across the table, people having their own conversation and the other eating. It felt so amazing to be apart of a family again.

Soon enough it was time for the cake. The lights dimmed and everyone pulled out their phones, the waiters and waitresses joined with the cake and they all sung together, I was so happy, so genuinely happy. It'd been 3 years since I had celebrated my birthday and what a way to celebrate it now. I closed my eyes and made a wish, a wish I had made night after night.

To see my family again.

Everyone clapped and cheered, we passed around the now sliced cake and ate up.
Presents were passed to me but it was awkward opening them around people so Ethan put them in a bag for me to open later.

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