
405 11 4

TW- talks of abuse


I headed down the stairs with Victoria by my side excited to finally get some food in me.
Thomas sets the pizza up around their dinner table and everyone takes their seats and digs in to the pizza.
There's small talk around the table until Thomas looks up and says
"So Y/N what brings you to Italy"
Everyone gives him the death glare and sighed.
Sophia gives him the kind of look that screams 'stop talking right now'

I laughed at everyone's reaction and briefly caught him up on my story. I just kind of wanted to move on from it now, it happened and I excepted it.

After dinner I helped Ethan clean the table while everyone else took their places on the sofa to unwind and bloat. Ethan wiped down the table while I took the boxes out to the big bin. Ethan stood by the door waiting for me to get back in before locking the door and showing me it's locked. He was very sweet, it was as if he was showing me he wanted to protect me.

We soon joined the others on the sofa, I sat on the single person chair just because it felt awkward squeezing in between everyone. The TV was on but in pure Italian so I drifted off in my seat due to pure exhaustion. My ears were still awake and listening to some conversations but my eyes were heavy and begging for just an ounce of sleep.

I woke up a few hours later, the whole living was dark and the TV was turned off. Everyone had taken themselves to bed and I imagine they didn't want to disturb my sleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, about to take myself up to my bedroom. I wobbled into the kitchen to grab a glass of water when the back door slid open.
Before my brain could recognise the person I paced back as he headed for me. 'No, it can't be' I thought

He was there

In front of me

He grabbed hair and slapped my face. I held my hit cheek as it started to turn red and heat up.

"Did you really believe for one second that you would escape me? No one wants you, you're fucking worthless" he spoke before pushing me to the floor
I looked up and him while pushing myself back, I needed to get someone, I need to get out of here now.
He ripped open the kitchen draws and searched around for something. My back hit the wall and I looked around for a second. My heart was in my throat. I looked up to see him with a knife
"If I can't have you, no one can" he laughed mercilessly and plunged the knife into me.

I shot up out of bed panting and sweating.
'Ok I'm in my room'
I looked around the Italian bedroom
'I haven't been stabbed'
I felt my body around where I thought I was stabbed
'And it was just a dream'
I started to cry, I had nightmares about him before but never this bad. I swivelled my legs out of the bed and headed down to the kitchen for some water. Maybe one of them did carry me to bed then.
As I reached the kitchen I searched around for glasses to fill.

"Cant sleep?" A deep voice echoed making me jump.

I turned around to see Ethan standing in the doorway. He was shirtless but in jogging bottoms with his hair in a bun.

"Jesus Ethan I almost had a heart attack!" I exclaimed while holding my heart

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I really didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to come and grab some water"
He nodded towards the cupboard that held the glasses. He walked over and grabbed 2 glasses, filling them both up with water and handing one to me.

"Join me on the sofa" he whispered. I sat down next to him being cautious of the space between us

"So why can't you sleep?" He asked
"I had a nightmare about him" I whispered in return
Ethan looked at me with sad eyes, he wasn't sure what to say but he looked so guilty.

" do you want to talk about it?" Ethan stared at me
I shook my head no and let a few tears run down my cheeks. I wasn't too sure myself why I was crying, I think I was just overwhelmed with it all. Moving across the world to escape someone was a big deal. I haven't seen my family or friends in years and now I'm finally starting the life I want to life, not the life of someone who has no control on what happens next.

Ethan placed a pillow on his lap and looked at me. He knew I wasn't ready to even be tapped by someone so placing that barrier between us made it easier for me.
"You can lay down if you wish, you look so tired, I won't touch you if you don't want me to but if you fall asleep can I carry you to bed? I don't want you sleeping on the sofa! It's not comfy" he asked so sweetly
I nodded in response and laid my head on his lap. Ethan slightly tensed but eased once a few minutes had passed.

Ethan pulled out his phone and started watching something, I had no idea what it was because I don't speak Italian.

He was so sweet

Where has he been all my life?

My thoughts clouded together before feeling myself dose off.

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