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How are you all? <3

18+ oops


Pure golden warmth filled my body.

Two muscular arms protected my being.

Our souls connected, tied together, constantly pulling at each other, brining us closer.

I rubbed his arm, tracing all the marks on his arm.

"Bella?" Ethan groaned
"Buon giorno" I replied, twisting my body over to face him

"sei così bella" he whispered caressing my cheeks
"Yeah whatever that means!" I giggled

For a moment time stopped, it was just me and Ethan. I couldn't wish for a better person by my side. Our eyes never left each other. I did it, I made the first move.

My lips attacked Ethans

Out lips danced in perfect sync

His hands roamed my body, pulling me on top of him. He pushed back my hair that fell onto his face, not breaking the kiss for a second.
I pulled away panting, needing air to fill my lungs.
"Ethan, I'm ready"
"Tesoro, are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to do this if you're not comfortable with it" Ethan said

"No, I'm ready! I promise"
"If anything hurts or if you start to feel uncomfortable, tell me"
I nodded in agreement
Ethan flipped us over, wanting to take control.

Ethan pulled off the shirt I was wearing, revealing my breasts, his hands gently caressed them. He had noticed a few old scars and bruises so he played with caution at all moments. His tongue traced around them, at points he sucked on the skin making sure to leave a mark.

Moans escaped my lips, heat started to grow in my sex. I knew this was exactly what I wanted although I had absolutely no idea what I was or was meant to be doing.

"Ethan?" I panted
"I have no idea what I'm doing" I blushed, completely embarrassed
"Just relax, let your body guide you"
Ethan whispered, biting softly on my ear

I immediately stripped out of my shorts and panties and looked up at Ethan who quickly followed.

He leaned over to the chest of draws next to the bed and pulled out a silver wrapper, he placed it in his teeth and ripped it open before placing it over his length.

"Bella, this will hurt a little ok?" He panted, leaning over me

He slowly pushed his length into me, making my back arch in pain. He kept pushing until he was fully in, a soft moan escaped his lips
"Fuck" he muttered
"Wait- plea- just one second, fuck you're big" I panted, just needing a minute to adjust to his size. He kissed my neck, jawline and traced his way to my lips.
"When you're ready, just say" he said between kisses.

I nodded at him, letting him know I was ready. He slowly pulled out and pushed his length back in. He picked up the pace, moans escaped both of us.

With every thrust euphoria built in my sex, the feeling got stronger and stronger, knots forming in my stomach.
"Oh Fuck Ethan, I'm close" I exhaled, gripping his face

He started to pound me, letting out all of his energy on me. His hand snaked up to my throat and gently squeezed it, sending me through the roof.

My head swung back, the feeling spreading throughout my body, making me feel like heaven. My body took control. I could feel Ethan finish in me.

"That was-"
"Amazing" Ethan cut me off. He flipped down on the bed next to me panting.
"I'll be back" I kissed him and rushed off to the bathroom

Once I had sorted myself out I went back into the bedroom and Ethan took himself to the bathroom and to shower.
I laid in bed thinking about what just happened. I couldn't be happier although my body felt exhausted.

I flipped over to have a nap, I deserve it.




"WHAT" I jumped out of my sleep

Sat infront of me was Sophia and Victoria. Serious expressions plastered on their faces.

"What?" I exhaled, still recovering from the heart attack they gave me

"The fact that Ethan had to tell us you had just lost your virginity!! We're all best friends!! Why didn't you tell us" Sophia shook me

Although she still hasn't apologised for what she said, I put it behind me. I'm not one to hold grudges and I know she'll apologise at some point.

"I'm sorry!! I literally went straight back to bed after" I laughed

"Bad news, the condom broke" Victoria announced, looking worried

"Guys, I'm on the pill, I'll be fine!"

A large exhale filled the room. Both girls grateful for what I just said

"Good because Ethan was panicking. He had to pull me and Sophia into a different room because he didn't want everyone knowing!" Victoria giggled

"The poor boy was so panicked!" Soph added

"HOW WAS IT?!" Victoria screamed

They both laid on the bed staring at me wanting to know every detail of what just happened.

"Haha no! I don't kiss and tell" I laughed
"You're boringggg" Victoria dragged

"Soooo- are yous dating yet?" Sophia questioned

"Nope, not yet!"

"We'll get dressed because I'm pretty sure he is taking you out for a date later" Victoria announced

Maybe this will be the night he asks me again

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