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I hope you're all well <3 comment the flag of the country you're from! I'd love to see where you're all from


Hours had passed and the gang were out at the bar. Drinks had been passed around and everyone was getting tipsy. The music vibrated through the tables while the lights lit up the room.

The 6 agreed on drinks once more and Damiano placed the next order.
Conversation filled their table. Although Y/N seemed off. Ethan took notice to this first.

"What's wrong?" He whispered
Y/N jumped out of thought and look at Ethan
"Oh nothing!" She smiled in return
"I don't believe you" he responded

She shook her head at Ethan about to talk but Damiano returned with the drinks.
They passed the drinks around to the right people and started drinking.

"Do you guys want to play a game?" Damiano questioned
Everyone nodded in agreement

"Truth or shot?" Thomas asked
"Jesus are we 14?" I laughed
"Heyyy! It's not a dumb game" Thomas replied
We all laughed and started playing

"Damiano, who's your favourite band member" Victoria asked
"You're all my children! A mother never picks a favourite" he said dramatically and held his hand on his heart
Victoria passed him a shot and we all watched him drink it

We all took it in turns to ask each other questions. The deeper the questions the more and more drunk we were getting. At this point I was drunk beyond belief, I had never been this drunk.

"Y/N would you kiss anyone here?" Victoria asked
"You know what? I'd kiss everyone here haha you're all hot" I'm speaking before thinking but I'm drunk!
"No, you have to pick one silly" she laughs


Everyone is staring at me
If I take a shot I'll upset Ethan
If I say Ethan then everyone will know I like him

"Bella you don't have to answer that" Ethan whispers

"I'd have to say Ethan!" I announce proudly
Drunk me brings out confidence I don't usually have so after saying it I stood up on the chair and downed my drink. Everyone was laughing and cheering.
Ethan held onto my leg tightly ensuring I didn't fall down, I grabbed Ethan's hand and sat back down.

We continue playing for a few hours. Ethan isn't a big drinker so he was the sober one of the lot. The bar was starting to close.

"onorevoli colleghi, stiamo per chiudere. se non ti dispiace prepararti a partire" the waiter said

"Hahah I have no fucking idea what you said" I laughed before shaking the hand of the waiter for no reason, the rest just watched and laughed.

We started heading home. Unfortunately for me I had heels on so all I did was stumble. A strong arm wrapped around my waist and I looked up to Ethan. He smiled at me, and pulled me a little closer.

The rest of the group was infront of us, some sobering up from the fresh air and the rest stumbling back to the house. Thankfully the walk wasn't too far, well maybe it was but I was too drunk to notice at this point.

Before I could even gather my thoughts Ethan and I were at the door of my bedroom, he led me in holding my hand
"Sit" he announced and I complied
He took my makeup remover and wiped over my face
I was so drunk, he was completely fuzzy. I started giggling to myself and Ethan just smiled

After Ethan had finished my makeup I started kissing his neck. Ethan went completely red. I started biting his ear and dragging him on top of me

"Bella no, you're drunk. We're not doing this when you're intoxicated" he said before taking himself off me

"Please Ethan, I want you. I want you to take my virginity" I begged

He looked at me all red. He looked shocked at what I had just said, maybe he didn't believe I was a virgin, maybe he just didn't care

"Bella it isn't right you're drunk and probably won't remember this. Please, let's get you changed and go to bed ok?"

"Ok" I pouted

He unzipped my dress and pulled it down. He lifted one leg at a time to remove it from under me

"Bra or no bra?" He asked
"No bra please" I started to become beyond tired
Ethan removed my bra and replaced it with one of my oversized shirts
"Come on then, let's go to bed" he said before watching me go to bed, he turned the lights off and opened the door

"Buona Notte" Ethan announced

"Ethan? Please stay"
This wasn't the first time I had asked him to sleep with me. He sighed and returned to my bed

"I'm sorry Ethan" I looked at him, tears threatening to spill

Ethan placed a kiss on my head
"It's fine bella just get some rest for me"

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