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Hope you're all having a good day <3


Sophia and y/n sat together in the local café just catching up on the week. They enjoyed their weekly trip to the café. Getting to gossip without worrying about listeners was the best. At this point the barista already knew their orders and roughly what time they would arrive there, so she would always have their drinks prepared for them.

Sophia took her usual seat in the back left hand corner of the shop and y/n soon followed behind. She wrapped her hands around the warm hot chocolate watching the steam rise off of it.

"So how are things between you and Ethan"

y/n sighed, knowing this would of course be the first question Sophia had to ask.

"I guess its going well, I'm still not even sure what we are. I like him a lot but I'm not sure if he could handle me and all of my past. If the world was just me and him then id happily jump into his arms and be his girlfriend but the truth is, I'm scared. I know Ethan would never lay his hands on me, but what if something happens and I don't know how to handle it? what if I react I a way that upsets him? I don't know, its hard to just push my past away as much as I want to. If I'm 100% honest with you Sophia, I want to be his girlfriend so bad. I just need time"

we sat in silence for a moment before Sophia started laughing. I looked up at her confused

"What?" I asked

"Just didn't need the whole fucking script y/n. You really need to learn to get over yourself. yes you were abused but get over it, it happened and now its not happening. It ended months ago. seriously stop dragging it out"

tears started to spill. I have got absolutely no idea why she started acting like this

"oh look here we go! the water works have started"

And with that I stood up and left. I wasn't going to listen to her anymore. how dare she even say stuff like that and to make it worse she wasn't following me or calling me to make sure I was ok. there's a line and she has definitely crossed it.

The walk home was a quiet one yet thoughts screamed throughout my mind

Was I dragging it out

Its hard to put behind me but maybe it would make me a new person

I should get over myself

no, no, no i was abused for years, and she expects me to just get over it in a few months

Before I knew it I was home. All I wanted right now was a hug from Ethan. I unlocked the front door to be greeted by a crowed of people in the living room. great, I'm crying in front of people I have never met.

I looked around briefly for Ethan. He wasn't the most sociable person so to see him with a girl who was all over him was just the tip of the ice berg for me. I burst into tears again and headed up to my room.

"y/n! please wait" Ethan's voice echoed through the hallway while I continued to my room.

"Tesoro please, its not what it looked like" He said, trying to catch up with me. I slammed the door and locked it, I slid down the door and cried into my knees. the world around started to crumble. I was officially done.

I blocked out Ethan's pleads at the door and jumped into bed.

At this point I couldn't even cry anymore

I just laid still and let my thoughts absorb me.

I woke up, not realising I have even fallen asleep. It was 4am
I had messages from Ethan

 It was 4amI had messages from Ethan

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I swear this boy could stab me 27 times and yet I would apologise for getting blood everywhere. He had my whole heart and he knew that. Tears filled my eyes again.

I lifted myself from the bed and dragged myself to Ethan's room . I gently knocked on the door.

"Ethan?" I whispered, not wanting to wake anyone. The door swung open to reveal a stuffy Ethan. He had most definitely been crying. Without a word he engulfed me in a hug.

"Oh tesoro, please please please forgive me. please. I'm so so so sorry. You're mine and only mine. I'd never give this up for anyone. I literally set up you and my mum meeting because I want you in my life so badly" 

He softly cried into my shoulder. I cried into him. we just held each other, not knowing what to say.


he looked up

I wiped the tears from mine and his face

"I love you"   

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