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Adrien watched excitedly as his nurses were bringing him his wheelchair so he could be discharged. He had tried to stand earlier that week; he had tried to stand up on his own, but it was near to impossible without him falling into Tom or Nino. He pushed himself up with his arms and slid into the wheelchair beside his bed. Adrien looked down at his legs in anger. " Hey, think of it this way, at least you get to come home with me instead of staying here another week or month." Marinette said with some sort of calming medicine in her voice and a smile on her face.

As the car was moving toward his home Adrien looked out the window as The Gorilla drove them home. " Mari, do you think I'll ever be Chat Noir again?" Adrien asked with a worried look on his face, slightly squeezing Mari's hand. " I believe so, without a doubt, you are strong, I believe in you." Marinette quickly smiled and squeezed his hand back, it wasn't as strong a grip as he used to have although for a week the only source of protein he got was from a water drip.

As the car pulled into their driveway. " Hey, we're home." Marinette smiled as she gently touched his shoulder. His face was blank. It was like Chat Blanc all over again without the mask. Whatever he saw in a dream while he was in his coma scared him or the fact that he couldn't walk she didn't know. " Ok, thanks you don't need to help me out of the car I can do it" As soon as they stopped and the car door opened Adrien slid out of the car into his chair that The Gorilla had pulled to the side of the car and carried him up the stairs.
Marinette was worried about him. He hadn't been like this since they had found out that Hawkmoth was his dad, she needed to do something to put him in a better mood so he didn't fall victim to Hawkmoth. " Hey, do you want to invite Alya and Nino over?" He smiled for the first time today and that made her know that she hit the jackpot in cheering him up. " Yeah! That sounds great!" Adrien said with the sound of a child in his voice.

Later that day Alya and Nino came over. "Hey bro!" Nino said leaning over, giving Adrien a hug, and Adrien returning the hug. "Hey man." Adrien said with a big smile on his face. They were cute and they had their special bromance. Alya walked over and Mari knew that they didn't have their son with them today because every Thursday they had their friend hangouts and that was today. " Hey als" Mari said with a smile and a hug. Alya let out a squeal " Hey girl! Oh you're showing that's awesome!" Mari smiled and she loved Alya's positivity and excitement. " I know I can't believe it, next thing I know it's going to be kicking."

They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and hanging out and laughing. Marinette was grateful for this because it was the first time in weeks that Adrien had shown complete happiness, yes he was happy, but he was scared and Mari knew that. After a while Alya and Nino went home and Mari and Adrien just sat there talking about baby names.

Hope you like this chapter. The next one that I post will be them finding out the gender of their baby!!!!! Hope you enjoyed read you later

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