A Dream Coming True

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She couldn't believe it as she stared at the positive pregnancy test with joy and excitement. Then all these thoughts started in her mind. How will I tell Adrien, will I still be Ladybug, and many other thoughts raced through her mind both positive and negative thoughts. It was around Christmas time, and she thought of the perfect way to tell Adrien her husband, her partner, and the love of her life.

She quickly made a shirt that said future dad on it during her free time designing at work, found a box and put both the shirt and the positive pregnancy test since Christmas was only 3 days away she secretly put the gift under the tree, and went on with her day. " Hey Marinette, how come there is one extra present under the tree? I thought we were only doing one present for each other this year?" Adrien asked Marinette quickly replied with " I got you something a little extra. I think you'll like it a lot, but please don't change your plans because of that little thing, because it is as much your gift as it is mine." Adrien quickly said in return " Thank you Princess, but you really didn't have to" Marinette quickly shot back " Stop asking questions kitty and just wait and you will understand." she said with a smirk she was so excited for him to open that box and see the news that she had for him.

Finally Christmas day had arrived and the two of them were so excited to spend their first Christmas together as a married couple. Adrien was the first to get up and walked into the living room shrugged off his curiosity and walked into the kitchen to start breakfast. Which was pancakes with powdered sugar syrup and strawberries. Then the love of his life walked into the kitchen sluggishly, but when she looked at the date her smile widened like a child with a new toy.

She quickly jumped from her seat after eating and said " Come on Kitty let's start opening the gifts we got for each other!" She had a smile on her face as big as the moon as she grabbed Adrien's arm, almost ripping it off and dragged him into the living room.

"Okay that extra present you will open last, because well let's say we are saving the best for last." she said with a smile that always seemed to brighten his day no matter how bad it was, and it had been like that for as long as he had known her. " Okay, okay" He said with a laugh and handed her the gift that he had gotten her. She opened it and her eyes widened at what she saw. It was a necklace that had a heart and an umbrella with 2 people standing under it. Her voice caught in her throat "Adrien this is beautiful" he smiled at her and said " and the more experiences we have together the more charms you can add." he said with a smile Marinette didn't know what to say she loved it and it represented her perfectly. She sighed with happiness and got up and gave him his gift. He opened it and was surprised to see a pin with his name engraved on it and in small writing on the other side family is always close to heart, he immediately gave her a huge hug " Thank you M'lady."

She got up, it was finally the moment she had been waiting for. She got up, went over to the tree and handed him the small box containing her exciting news for him. He opened it with a confused look on his face when he saw the shirt in the bottom of the box " What is this bugaboo?" She replied to him " Read what it says and look at what's at the bottom of the box kittycat" she said with joy in her voice. He nodded and read what the shirt said " Future Dad? What does that mean?" She laughed " Look at what's under it" his eyes widened with what he saw. It was a pregnancy test and it was positive. He looked up, his voice shaking, hoping that this wasn't a prank " Marinette, are you pregnant?!" he said in shock, his smile from ear to ear, and tears of joy in his eyes, she basically screamed " YES!" she said just as happy as he was.

" How long have you been?" he asked " not quite sure, just found out a couple days ago." she said with a shrug and a smile. They snuggled up on the couch together and spent the rest of the day smiling and talking about everything that they could plan ahead of time. He smiled at her " You know today has made the dream that I have had since childhood become a reality." he said with a smile as they looked through names.

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