Getting Through the Pain

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Memories flashed through Marinette's mind as she followed close behind the ambulance that carried Adrien straight to the hospital. She would have been in the ambulance with him but they said that she needed to follow close behind so that they could help him and honestly that worried her. She thought about all the times that he had flirted with her as ChatNoir and she had turned him down not knowing who he was, then there was all the times that she had tried to tell him about her feelings, but everytime she didn't succeed in telling him, because she was scared of what his answer would be. And there were many other thoughts and memories that passed through her mind out of worry, fear, regret, and many other emotions. She thought about what would have happened if he hadn't jumped in front of her to stop the attack. If only she had told him about her feelings sooner because if she lost him then she would lose herself having to take care of their business and raising their baby without him, and that was if she didn't lose it through her mourning. She had taken his ring when they arrived home; she didn't want to have a chance of losing it. If only she had told him sooner they would have been married right out of highschool most likely and they might already have a family and this would not be happening.

As soon as they got to the hospital they took Adrien straight into surgery so they could stop the internal bleeding and other complications which they would not tell her. She sat in the waiting room, her face in her hands crying. She thought about the first time that they had met as Ladybug and ChatNoir, where he had told her that he loved her for the first time. She also thought about the moment where she had fallen in love with him in the rain where he had given her the umbrella that changed everything. After hearing a nurse say that she could come into his room she was still in her world, but what she did know right now was that he was stable, but sadly they did not know how long he would stay unconscious.

Suddenly she was shot back into reality when someone rushed in and gave her a tight hug. She could feel tears of both her own and the person that was hugging. Soon she realized that it was a group of people which was her parents, and Alya and Nino normally the two of them had a 3 month old boy at their side, but not today. Marinette had been too far into good memories to look up and see something that horrified her, Adrien was hooked up to a breath monitor, oxygen tank, and his face was covered in bruises, and there were a lot of other things that horrified her in what she saw. (also if the first 2 things that I stated he was hooked up to if I called them the wrong thing I am sorry)

Then she was bombarded by questions " What the heck happened Mari?!" She heard Alya say. Followed by "Marinette are you okay?!" Sabine and other questions from her close friends and family, but she couldn't answer anything that they asked because she was numb with fear of the loss of her partner, best friend, husband, and soulmate.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door knowing how fragile Marinette was right now Tom went to the door " How can I help you?" He said as he opened the door, he saw a doctor. " Hello, is Mrs. Agreste here? I need to speak with her." The doctor said with a gentle smile. " Uhh, yes she is." Tom replied. The doctor replied " Thank you, can I come in? I need to talk to your daughter, daughter-in-inlaw I'm guessing." Tom nodded knowing that his daughter wanted answers motioning his hands behind him " Yes my daughter is in here."

"Hello there Mrs. Agreste, my name is Dr. Williams, I am here to inform you about your husband." Dr. Williams said with a gentle smile knowing that she was worried. Marinette looked up from the chair beside Adrien's bed. Dr. Williams told Mari what she needed to know "Thankfully your husband is now stable. Sadly we have no idea how long he will be in his comatose state, but we assume that depending on when he wakes up he will need physical therapy, but how long he has it depends on when he wakes up." Marinette nodded in thanks. "Thank you, please keep me updated if you find anything good or bad I'll need to know."

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