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All Adrien could remember was jumping in front of Ladybug hearing Ladybug scream a surge of pain then nothing. He tried thinking back to what had happened before. He could see a girl with dark hair, and blue eyes. It was Marinette, his best friend, then he saw what he was holding in this memory; it was what looked like a positive pregnancy test. What he did next in his memory surprised him. He started crying and then he kissed her and then he pulled her close as they laid on a couch in what looked like his living room at home, but it was more festive and had a gentle feeling unlike it was at home.

The weird part was that he felt more for Marinette than he had thought he felt like she was more to him than just a friend. He looked back further and what he saw amazed him. Ladybug was standing in front of him as Adrien, a flash of pink and saw Marinette that explained the memory from what he guessed was Christmas in future years. What he had put together so far was that Ladybug/Marinette was either his wife or girlfriend; she was pregnant although who knew how far along she was. He had jumped in front of her during an Akuma attack to protect her and most likely he was in a coma. That was all he had put together so far and hopefully when he woke up he would remember everything.

I almost made you think that he lost his memory didn't I *maniacle laugh

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