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All of the sudden his eyes started to flutter open. He was definitely in a hospital room, Marinette was asleep in a chair by his bed, her hands on her stomach . He started coughing and slowly pulled whatever was in his mouth out. When Marinette heard this her eyes shot open only then did he realize that Alya, Nino, Tom, and Sabine were also there all asleep on the couch by the window. Then he felt Marinette's arms wrap around him and tears streaming down her face. She was happy, almost overjoyed by the sound of her crying and by the fact that he felt a cold metal as she wrapped her arms around him that she was his wife. " Thank God.. you're awake" Marinette said with arms around him between the sobs that she let out. " What happened?" Adrien asked, his voice was hoarse. Marinette continued to sob " It doesn't matter right now what does is that you are awake!" Adrien looked at the clock and saw the date he had been out for nearly a week.

Adrien was shocked it was February 17th from what he could understand from Marinette was that the accident was on the 10th so that meant that he had been out for a week. Marinette was barely showing just her stomach area bulging just enough to make her shirt a little tighter than usual. She had bags under her eyes which meant she hadn't slept. Everyone in the room surrounded him with hugs.

Then when everyone cleared the area around his bed a doctor came into the room then he spoke. " Hello Mrs. Agreste I can see the good news that your husband is awake, can everyone clear the room except Mrs. Agreste I just need to talk to the two of them very quickly." Everyone nodded and went to the cafeteria. " Okay young man my name is Dr. WIlliams, and I would like to ask you a few questions." Adrien quickly nodded. " Okay can you tell me who you are?" Adrien quickly replied " Adrien Agreste I am twenty four, son of former fashion designer Gabriel Agreste and Emilie Agreste." Dr. Williams nodded. " Okay who is this beautiful young lady sitting beside you?" He looked at Marinette with a smile. " That is my wife Marinette Agreste. We have been married for a year and we are expecting our first child." Dr. Williams smiled. " That is very exciting, the good thing is that you seem to have suffered no memory loss and if you can not remember what happened that is completely normal, now we have no idea how you survived the effects of the injury you sustained. The bad news is though you will most likely have to go through several months of physical therapy to regain the strength that you have lost in your core because we had to do a major surgery, which even though it saved your life it damaged your abdominal muscles that help you stand."

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