Final Act: Confrontation

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"Ugh... My head... It fucking hurts." As Toel woke up, the first thing he felt was the intense throbbing in my head. He slowly crawled up, and let his vision slowly recovered.

Let's see... Dirt. And woods. No, an extinguished campfire. Where am I? Then Toel looked around for more clues, to find Volkan resting on the ground.

"Volkan! Are you okay?" Toel quickly crawling to Volkan's side and push him awake. Volkan made no response.

"Ugh... Why do we always get in trouble like this? Wake up..." Toel tried to slap lightly on Volkan's face. No response. "Come on... do I need to do the whole Sleeping Beauty thing?"

Toel could recall the kiss he had with Volkan. There's no chance he would ever forget that... But what mattered right now is what happened afterward. Hmm... We walked back home. We... heard something. Then we found a group of people. Here, I believe. And then... We were talking and...

Toel couldn't remember anything else afterward. Was that when they were knocked out? I guess both of them were found by someone in that group, Toel thought.

"Ughh..." Volkan suddenly grumbled. Waking up, Volkan slowly sat back up as he held his head. "My head..."

"Thank god you're awake! I was gonna kiss you awake if you don't."

"Oh man, can I go back to sleep then?"

"You missed your chance," Toel grinned. "Never mind that. I think we might have some problems on our hands."

Volkan sat properly as he released his grip on his head. "Ah... Right. Right, I remember now. That group... Where did they go?"

"I don't know. But this road leads to our Blue Tribe Village. So chances are..."

Volkan didn't let him finish his sentence. "They went to the village! Oh no! Toel-sama, we gotta hurry!" He quickly stood up and drew out his spear that had been on his back.

"Right! Come on!"

With that, both of them quickly rushed to the village.


There was a sea of flame. Toel could see it not far from his view. Were they too late? No...

But as they got closer, Toel could see it wasn't a sea of flame. To be more accurate, it was a row of flame. Right between two groups of people at the Blue Tribe Village entrance. The group outside – presumably the attackers – were holding torches, as if they were planning to burn the village down. Toel couldn't recognize the people standing outside the village, but he could see the lizardmen were standing inside. The flame was either stopping the outsiders from entering, or it was trapping the villagers.

Either way, Toel needed to do something.

"This way!" Volkan grabbed Toel's hand and ran into the forest, away from the dirt path. Running around the attacking group, they managed to find a way to gather with the villagers' group without being stopped by the flame.

"Lord Toel! King Volkan! You made it!" The first to notice them was Rigurd, standing at the front with two other people, Drag and Zegon.

"So you finally made it." Drag called out to Toel.

"What's happening here?" Toel asked.

"Rebel group. They wanted to attack the village, but Zegon and I managed to stop them on their track."

"Rebel group? But..." Toel took a look at the people standing at the other side of the flame.

"Yeah. Beasts are among them as well. Weird, right?"

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