Act 8: Festival Night

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Time always flew by when you spent your time with someone you're really adored with. Toel was able to learn much more about Volkan and his folks as he helped to prepare the festival.

Volkan, while being the prince of the village, seemed to have a lot yet to learn about how the village functions. And when it comes to that, Rigurd would always be the one to act as his mentor. During these sessions, Toel would get to see the impatient, anxious side of Volkan, which was always fun to see, since Volkan tended to act very formally around Toel. Toel wished he would show more of his natural side around him.

Sun soon disappeared from their sight as the preparation finished up. More people gathered at the festival, eagerly waiting to begin their celebration.

Finally, Rigurd turned on the colorful decoration light, completing the festival preparation. As soon as it did, everyone began rushing out from their houses and gathered at the main area with the stage. Volkan walked up to the stage and took the microphone.

"Good evening, everyone!" Volkan said. Everyone immediately began cheering, as if Volkan was a superstar.

"Today is a special day, as I'm sure you all know. We had finally returned to our memorable home, and back to our usual lives. It was thanks to Master Drag that we were able to see the beautiful night sky again, and it was thanks to Lord Toel that I was able to stand here on the stage and make a speech to all of you."

Toel stood beside the stage, slightly blushing from the embarrassment.

"Unfortunately, we had lost our great king, my great father during the war. He sacrificed himself to ensure my safety. So, to fulfill his wish, I, Volkan Tempest, the son of the great king Clay Tempest, will continue to serve this country and live up to your expectation. I may still have a lot of things I have yet to learn, but I wish you will all accept me as your new king."

Everyone under the stage cheered Volkan on and clapped their hands.

"Tonight, we will be celebrating for our return, and to express our gratefulness to Lord Toel and Master Drag! Everyone, I hope you have a great night! The festival now officially begins!"

Everyone once again cheered with their loudest voice. And with his speech done, Volkan walked down the stage.

"Amazing job up there, Volkan-sama!" Rigurd said to Volkan.

"Thank you. You should go and drink with the others too."

"Yes, Volkan-sama." Rigurd proceeded to leave Volkan's side for once and join the rest of the people.

"So then," Volkan looked at Toel. "Shall we?"

"You're picking me instead of your loyal assistant?" Toel asked with a little chuckle.

"Already getting a little tired of him," Volkan told Toel as he sighed. But he quickly returned back to his usual grin. "But in any case, no one comes before you, Toel-sama."

Toel snickered for a moment. "Drag still hasn't shown up, huh?" He looked around the festival and found no sign of him or his partners.

"I imagine he is a busy man." Volkan poured himself a drink into his glass on the nearby table. He continued to hold the bottle and passed another empty glass to Toel. "Why don't we wait for him at the front entrance as we drink?"

Toel grabbed the glass and held it whilst Volkan poured the drink into it. "Sure."

So both of them walked towards the entrance as they walked past several lit-up stalls preparing food and drink, and people cheering and drinking as they reminisced their past. The whole festival was so bright, so joyful, as though the war had never happened.

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