Act 7: Welcome Home

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Four days had passed since they had been living in Drag's place. The days had been rather uneventful, which was good as Toel was instructed to stay low until Drag settled things down.

But it was simply too boring, Toel thought. At least I have Volkan to entertain me.

Every morning, Toel would join Volkan's training for around 15 minutes before they had Volkan's amazing luxurious breakfast. Toel thought Volkan's cooking was so good it should belong to a 5-star restaurant menu. Not like he had tasted the food there before, but it certainly felt like it belonged there.

The rest of the day was switching between activities like keeping track of the news, playing video games and teaching Volkan to use a controller, researching topics on the Internet, and laying around and doing nothing. These activities were broken into parts as they took a break by having lunch or dinner or having a shower. One night, Volkan couldn't resist himself anymore and insisted to help scrub Drag's back when he's showering. Toel thought it was certainly... an interesting experience.

Then the night was spent by two of them sharing the same bed and cuddling with each other. They would switch up their position every night. One night they would have "The Spoon" position, next night they would have "Shingles" position, and the next would be "Sweetheart's Cradle" position. Though at the fourth night, Toel realized how awfully "romantic" their positions had been and decided he needed to have some space and stop cuddling with Volkan. He somewhat regretted the decision though.

The fifth day soon arrived. And Toel and Volkan had their usual training and breakfast. As usual, Toel let the news played as they ate. But this time, the news was much more interesting than he thought.

The news reporter stated that the Beasts that were captured in the detention center will now finally be allowed to return to their original habitats. Though they are still not allowed to roam around humans' cities, changes were definitely happening.

Volkan was, of course, more than happy to hear this great news. He quickly finished up his breakfast and urged Toel to meet up with the lizardmen. Toel took in his last bite, put the plate into the sink to wash later, and caught up with Volkan.

On their way, they had heard people discussing the new changes that were just brought to light. Most were rather positive or neutral about the news, mostly because it never affected their daily life. Though some that were much more aggressive thought they should just be killed already. Toel ignored these people's comments and rushed to the detention center.

"Toel! Volkan! I knew you'd come!" Drag, standing at the front gate of the detention center alongside Zegon, said as he watched the two rushed toward him.

"Sir Drag! Thank you so much! It was thanks to your effort..." Volkan thanked Drag first thing first.

"No need to thank me. There's still a lot more to be done, like letting Beasts allowed in the city. But for now, your folks will be able to go back to their places and live their usual days."

A guard walked out of the building and toward Drag. "Everything is ready now."

"Thank you," Drag said to the guard. "Come. I'm sure they can't wait to see you," he said to Volkan.

Following the guard into the building, we took a minute or two before finally arriving at the cell keeping the lizardmen. The people were more than happy to see us again. And when the guard pulled out the key and began unlocking the cell, they began questioning things, clearly, they haven't heard the news.

"Master Drag... Does this mean...?" Rigurd asked the million-dollar question to Drag.

"Yup, you're free to go back to your village. Congrats!"

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