Act 6: Tough Time

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Refreshing morning sunlight shined into the room through the window, softly waking Toel up. He opened his eyes slightly and turned to face the other side of the bed, expecting to see Volkan. There was only him on the bed, however. For a second, Toel was getting a little worried that Volkan had left his side. But his worries quickly went away as he heard sounds of slashing from outside the window.

He stood up from the bed and stepped towards the window. His eyes slowly adjusted from the rather intense sunlight shining in, and he noticed a movement in the front yard. He squinted his eyes a bit and found Volkan standing in the yard, slashing his spear in the air. It would appear he was practicing his spear. If only I have 10% of his dedication.

Toel knocked on the window to try and grab Volkan's attention, but he seemed to be in deep thought. So Toel walked out of his room and walked out of the house through the front door. Volkan had yet to notice Toel's presence even as he walked out of the house and walked toward him.

"Good morning, Volkan," Toel spoke, which actually made Volkan jumped for a bit before finally noticing Toel standing beside him.

"O-Oh! Good morning, Toel-sama." Volkan stuttered. "I didn't see you."

"You're really focusing on your training. Or are you thinking something?"

"Well... You don't need to bother yourself with it." For some reason, Toel saw a different kind of expression in Volkan's eyes that he never saw in him before. Sadness? Or perhaps... guilt? Whatever it is, it was definitely bothering Volkan.

"You can tell me, you know." Toel tried to think of a reason for this feeling inside Volkan. "Maybe... you're getting tired of me?"

"No! No! Of course not, Toel-sama! That'd be a sin!" Then Volkan stopped for a moment as if he was hanging on his own word, the word "sin".

"Alright... but if something's bothering you, you gotta tell me. OK?" Volkan pondered for a second, before nodding. "Have you eaten? Could use some delicious breakfast right now. It might cheer you up too."

As if he had just realized the bright morning light shining all over them, he raised his head to look at the sun. "Oh, look at the time! I'm sorry, Toel-sama. I'll get you breakfast right away."

Toel chuckled. "How long have you been training?"

"Hmm..." He thought for a while. "Perhaps two hours."

"Holy shit." Toel was once again amazed by his dedication. "Next time let me join 15 minutes of your training. Could use some exercise."

"Haha, if you say so, Toel-sama. Come, let's get inside."

The sizzling sound of frying eggs spread across the room. The sound and the smell flew inside Toel's sense, and his stomach responded with a rumble.

"I didn't think you can cook," Toel said to Volkan in the kitchen. Is there anything this man can't do?

"A prince needs to learn to be self-sufficient as well." Volkan reached into the fridge and grabbed a package of sausages. Using his claw, he tore the plastic package opened easily and grabbed the sausages out and onto the frying pan. The smell of fried sausages soon spread into the room as well.

10 minutes later, he walked out of the kitchen with two plates in his hands. He served the plates on the table. Each has a bright sunny-side-up egg and two golden still-sizzling sausages.

"I apologize. There aren't many ingredients in the house, so I'm afraid I can only make something as simple as this." Volkan said as he sit down on the opposite side of the table, facing Toel.

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