Act 1: Alliance

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The heavy rain coming down from the dark grey looming sky can't be any more fitting for this war that's going on

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The heavy rain coming down from the dark grey looming sky can't be any more fitting for this war that's going on. Airplanes flying across the sky like lightning, sounds of guns being shot in the distance; it truly felt like living in the World War II-era again.

Obviously, Toel never lived in the World War II era, but he imagined it would probably be more or less like this.

Toel slowly walked out the small alley, drenched in rainwater, as he watched the whole town burn in chaos. Well, not literally. Though he felt like it might as well burn in flame with so many things happening at once, and it wouldn't be any different than now.

Another airship flew across the sky. But it wasn't an airship, Toel noticed when he caught a glimpse of it before they disappeared out of sight in a second; it was a strange black dragon with a long blue-looming tail, and there was a male human riding on it. Toel wasn't freaked out by it; he had gotten numbed at everything by this point.

Toel walked out of the small-town entrance and followed the river stream nearby calmly. He didn't want to be under the rain for the whole day; he needed to find a bridge under which he could rest. Of course, it would need to be a safe spot where he wouldn't get attacked as well, but that was the least of his worries. He didn't mind being attacked and killed; he's gotten tired of his own life, but if he's going to die he wanted to stay in a comfortable spot when that happens.

It didn't take long before he found a spot under a moderately-sized bridge. The ground was covered in wet grass, and the river water was flowing rapidly. He sat down on the grass and watched the very few people still in town panicking. It was amusing to see them rushing to get all their belongings and escape as soon as possible while staying on their guards to avoid being attacked, while Toel was simply enjoying his view of the river calmly.

As he watched the water flow to his left side, he noticed something out of the ordinary. Bubbles were forming on a specific part of the river, as if someone, or something that breathes air, was inside there. Then, soon enough, a huge scaly creature slowly crawled out of the water. The creature was an alligator (or maybe a crocodile? Toel couldn't tell. For all he knew, it could just be a lizard) with dark blue-colored and black-striped scales and well-built muscles, that walks on two feet that came with white sharp claws and was wearing heavily torn clothes that looked fairly fancy if one ignored its damage.

The creature crawled up onto the land near Toel, struggling to breathe. As he panted heavily, lying on the ground, he opened his eyes, revealing his golden pupils. He looked upwards at Toel, glancing at him. "Help..." He whispered quietly in pain, unable to talk any louder.

Toel had seen creatures similar to him shuffling around town in the distance, but to see it from such a close distance was a rather frightening experience. Toel had an urge to get up and run as quickly as he could, and he initially did. But he looked back at the creature, and something in the creature's eyes stopped him. Toel couldn't put his finger on it, though.

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