Act 9: After the Rain

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"Drag actually did it!" Toel shouted loudly. The voice was so loud Volkan couldn't possibly ignore or not heard him.

"What is it?" Volkan asked, frantically hurried to Toel's side.

"Beasts are allowed in the cities now!" Toel turned and held Volkan's shoulder, and shook him hard. Volkan tried to hold Toel's arms to calm him down, but it was very ineffective.

Toel used the mouse wheel to scroll back to the headline of the news article on the computer screen. This computer was given by Volkan a few days ago, just like he said he would on the festival day. It even came with a Wi-Fi router. Toel had no idea how he got his hands on them (probably made a deal somehow with one of the workers still hanging around), but the Internet means more information, which Toel would never turn down.

"See for yourself!" Toel showed Volkan the headline. It reads, in capital letters, "LATEST: HISTORY MADE, BEASTS ALLOWED IN CITIES WITH NEWLY ADDED LAWS".

"And look at this part!" Toel scrolled down on the page again, this time he stopped at a paragraph and highlighted a certain part. It reads, and Volkan read aloud: "After a discussion with Drag Stewart, a young man known for his heroic tales with Beasts, the mayor has decided with newly added laws, the Beasts would be allowed in the cities. Mayor assures every citizen that they would not do any harm to humans as long as they treated each other in peace. Anyone who does harm, either to humans or to Beasts, will be severely punished."

After reading the whole paragraph, Volkan's eyes lit up. "This... This is great news, Toel-sama!"

"Yeah! History is made!" Toel said loudly.

"Perhaps I will need to enforce new rules and laws for anyone who decided to pay a visit to human cities as well..."

"And people who COME to our village," Toel added.

"Yes... as well as merchants that go in and out, humans and lizardmen..." Volkan's voice drifted away, as he started going into his own little world.

"You're gonna be quite busy today, huh?"

"Yes. I'm going to need to hold a meeting soon. This is going to change how the village functions by a large amount, after all..." He answered before started thinking to himself again.

"Well, I wish I can help. But I don't think I have the brains for it."

"Oh no, no, Toel-sama. Your input is going to be very useful. The most important in fact, since you're the human representative of our village."

"Since when was I that?"

"Since two seconds ago," Volkan chuckled.

Fatigue took over Toel as soon as he realized the implication. "My shoulders suddenly feel very heavy..."

Volkan grinned at him. "I'm sure you'll be fine, Toel-sama. Now, I'm going to need to call Rigurd to gather everyone at the meeting hall." He hurriedly made his way to the front door.

"Anything I can help?"

"Yes, actually. Will you mind make a journey to the city and see if you can invite Sir Drag here? His presence will definitely be the most helpful, though of course if he's busy, which is very likely, then it can't be helped."

"Yes, sir!" Toel quickly shut down his computer and got up from the chair, before leaving the house along with Volkan.

Volkan, for a second, looked like he had something to say. So Toel decided to ask him what's up.

"I really shouldn't be instructing you, my master, like this. Rigurd has been scolding me for days about this, but I always forget my position..."

Toel scowled at him. "I thought we went through this? I don't care about the master thing, just treat me like your best buddy! If Rigurd is scolding you about this again, then tell him Lord Toel has a piece of his mind for him!"

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