Act 3: Perception of Humanity

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Toel and Volkan entered another shop in the street. This one looked like a bookstore. While books and magazines could be seen scattered around, most of the books were still neatly placed on the shelves. Volkan pulled out one of the books randomly. It reads "100 Ways to Impress People with Easy Magic". He opened the book and read about the "magic" involving card tricks, coins, and other simple illusions. Feeling disappointed, he put the book back on the shelf.

"Find anything useful, Toel-sama?" Volkan asked Toel, but he was nowhere to be seen in the shop. Volkan glanced around. He then noticed something crouching down behind the counter. He approached the figure, revealing Toel reading something. "Toel-sama?"

His voice made Toel suddenly jumped. He frantically hid the book behind him and turned around, giving Volkan a nervous smile. "Y... Yeah?"

"...You're reading a porno," Volkan responded with a disappointing pitch.

"What?! How did you know?"

"I can still see the page behind your back." Volkan pointed at the book Toel was hiding behind his back. One of the pages could be seen, and on the page was a female with cartoony large breasts being fucked intensely by a male with a ridiculously large dick.

"Fuck!" Toel hastily closed the book and put it in the drawer of the cashier table.

"We're trying to find anything useful for our survival, and you're out here reading a porn manga. I still treat you as my master, Toel-sama, but you gotta learn to put your priorities first."

"I know, I know. I just found this in here and I couldn't resist. What can I do? This cashier guy got taste." Toel got up from below the cashier and glanced over the table. There wasn't anything else worth taking, and the cashier was empty as well.

"Heterosexual, huh..." Volkan murmured with himself, unintentionally saying it out loud, which was overheard by Toel. "Huh?" Toel turned to Volkan.

"Oh! Nothing, Toel-sama. I'm just... erm... wondering about your sexuality."

"Huh? Oh." Toel stood up as he continued. "No, I'm not straight. I'm bisexual, I think." He walked out of the corner behind the cashier and searched around the shop for a bit while continuing his talk. "I thought I was straight. But there's few times where I looked at some men and thought 'shit, he's fucking hot.' So I think I like guys as well."

Toel turned towards Volkan, whose expression was back to normal, maybe happy even. "I'm surprised you'd ask that. Do Beasts have different sexualities too?"

Volkan's face flushed a bit, but thanks to the darkness in the room it wasn't very visible. "Yeah... I'm... homosexual..."

"Really? Cool. But don't royal families normally want to continue their bloodline or some similar shit? How are you gonna do that?"

"Well, whether it's our own sons or daughters or they're adopted, as long as they grew up in the royal family, they're considered having part of the royal blood inside them. So it's not really an issue here."

Toel nodded. It's quite hard for him to imagine that a royal member could be homosexual. I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

"Someone's here," Volkan suddenly spoke. He grabbed Toel's shirt and hid under the cashier's table. He put his hand over Toel's mouth, indicating him not to speak. As the bell above the door rings, indicating that the door was opened, Toel tried his best to glance over the table to see the face of the intruders without exposing himself.

"Aw man, look at this shithole! Shits had seen better days." One of the three humans said as he looked around. "You think we can find some worthy stuff in here?"

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